Dude, this thread is not cool. Easily, Mario would totally beast both Chief and Marcus. He would chomp down his mushrooms and jump the Chief and Marcus's asses. Its just that even though almost every other character is more BA than Mario, Mario has a lot of experience. Hes been massacring turtles since 1981. Nothing can beat that kind of maniacal, 2-bit, and terrifying plumber we came to know as Mario. /Sarcasm In a real fight though, The Master Chief would open a whole can o' whoop ass on both Marcus and Mario. You can't just beat that awe-power of a spartan.
so what Mario can triple jump and anyways the super jump is a glitch also he has yoshi that can eat Marcus and the MC.
unless he gets that mushroom that makes him huge! then mario may be able to win, but chief can take down a scarab solo so he still pwns them all.
With of course, the help of a tank. I don't know if anyone else has seen this but.. YouTube - Mario Vs Spartan 2 nuff' said?
Master Chief. Marcus has a lancer, chainsaw, and grenades. Master Chief has granades, super strength, tanks, warthogs, ability to be compatible with any weapon he stumbles upon, 1000 pound armor, and etc. I'm pretty sure MC would win.
Who needs those when you have a cunning mustache, Yoshi working as you're slave, when you're italian, you're a plumber, you can shoot fire balls from your hands, and you wear overalls.
Link isn't in the discussion anyways the Mirror shield has really no purpose except reflecting light.
MC could use Halo's Gaudians, they are invincible and attack out of nowhere! Or perhaps the turrets on Snowbound...
Uhhh, Masterchief! Duh! A genetically, biologically, and technically enhanced super soldier with knowledge of all battlefield weapons. Of course he's gonna beat Marcus. Mario! ha, i laugh at mario. He's should just crawl into another hole and hide...
Psssh... Mario goes "hoo hoo". Even cortana could kill that. He and luigi should just go fight over peach. Let the real fighting be done by MC.
Little fire balls don't do squat. Yoshi has a big mouth, but he can't lift a thousand pound spartan. And throwing eggs won't do anything either. Let's be honest here. Even though Mario can have up to a hundred lives, Master Chief won't even budge against him. Honestly, I would like Mario to win, but Master Chief would kick his ass, and hand it to him.