Nice work. Must have been hard to make. Not to ruin your parade but... Armor Generator That armro generator is much more simple, easy to use, and you dont need to download. Sorry
Doesn't matter, a day after I finish the damn thing Bungie updates so you can't track players anymore, I'm going to have to fix it.
Ya, it just edits your film clip and gives you recon, or flaming recon in it. Nothing special. If it actually gave you recon then I would be worth Downloading.
Hey smart alec, try reading the first page, ive already posted that link So basicly you just spammed... @Post above, what do you mean it edits your video?
There are already plenty of these, but I don't think I've seen such a complex one with favorites, etc.
I made this one as best as I could which is better than any other I have seen. If you can make one better, than do it, other wise, quit being an ass hat.
I feel sorry for you bcoz people are saying its pointless and done too much when ive only seen one webscript and one program and this trumps them both..
Excuse me? I did not insult you. But here you are, flaming me. I am saying that there are plenty of these that you can find easily on google by searching "Halo3 Armor Generator". And none of them need to go through all of this hassle of downloading. And sorry, did not realize someone posted the same thing. It had gone un-noticed anyway.
Thank you very much, but there is an issue, bungie updated : You can't have our Recon the day I released the program making it impossible to track players, so I'm now working on an armor/emblem generator with way more features. And it's completely clean, just look at the first page.