Foundry MLG Requiem v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Insane54, May 31, 2009.

  1. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    MLG Requiem v2
    By Insane54 and Sir Toppum Hat1

    Click the images below to download the map and gametypes.



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    • [jumpto=1]Download[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=2]Map Description[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=3]Video[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=5]Map Pictures[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=6]Action Pictures[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=7]Duck Strategy: Quack Protocol Beta[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=7b]Notes[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=8]Download[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=9]Special Thanks[/jumpto]


    MLG Requiem is a symmetrical map designed for MLG gameplay.
    Design, spawns, weapons, and tweaks: Insane54
    Map geometry: Sir Toppum Hat1

    The first thing you'll notice when dropping into the map is probably the enormous hill in the very center of the map. Outlets and openings are all around it to open up gameplay and allow players easy access through the middle. The key thing to know about the hill is that it is extremely easy to grenade it from many areas, making it a very hazardous move to run across without teamwork, without the flag or not. However, all of those areas have multiple access points, making it dangerous to camp the hill. In this vein, risk and reward (the risk you take to get to a better weapon or advantage) and lines of sight (how much you can see from any given point) are particularly central in this map.

    One of the most useful features in this map is a teleporter in the back areas of the map. This teleporter will transport you to the other 'wing' of the map, allowing you to flank the enemy or aid a teammate. Be careful though - it's easy for your opponent to camp the receiver node, should you be running in blind without reconnaissance of the area first. Another extremely useful area is the Purple platform. You will find access ramps between the back bases (orange and white), on top of which you can find a Battle Rifle and frag grenades, but most importantly, a hole for a devastating grenade barrage, should the enemy attempt to run through the middle. Controlling this vicinity will usually allow you to then control most of the map, giving your squad a immense advantage.

    Requiem plays every gametype, but the best by far are MLG Onslaught Capture the Flag, MLG King of the Hill, and MLG Team Slayer. It also plays a very enjoyable Team Snipers or Team BRs game. You can find downloads for the aforementioned three gametypes in the download parts of this post.

    When playing CTF, you should keep in communication with your team at all times. At certain times, different runs are better than others. For example, with the whole other team down, a run straight through the bottom or top offers the fastest way to get back, while if there are players around, your best bet might be the purple side. If the enemies are just spawning, yellow is probably the best move. In King, the hill moves in standard MLG 'V' formation, that is, the middle, to orange street, back to middle, and then to the white street and back to the middle. The hill moves every 2 minutes, along with a Custom Powerup at the same timing.

    Thank you for reading, and enjoy MLG Requiem!

    The weapons placed on Requiem are as follows:
    Name - Quantity on Map - Respawn Time - Extra Clips (if applicable)

    BR55HB SR Battle Rifle - 9 - 10 - 2
    Type-51 Carbine - 4 - 60 - 2
    Sniper Rifle System 99D-S2 Anti-Matériel - 2 - 180 - 1
    Jiralhanae Type-52 Mauler Pistol - 1 - 150 - 0
    M9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose Grenade - 2 - 30
    Type-1 Antipersonnel Sticky Grenade - 4 - 30
    Custom Powerup - 1 - 120

    Video by iRaynne and Pegasi Delta.

    YouTube - MLG Requiem by Insane54 and Sir Toppum Hat1

    Notice at the end how we had a spawnkill. If you and your team have control of the map, you can spawn trap the other team and take a massive advantage. This is considered a good thing in MLG games.

    Gameplay video coming soon.









  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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  3. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    The Ducks of Onyx are a matchmaking/custom game group started in TGIF #7 in the European party. Assigning his players with super cool MLG-duck-like names, Insane54 led his team to epic victory in match after match, with use of superior tactics, such as the 'smoke and clear'. What came from this is the Ducks of Onyx. We strive to be the best in all of Halo, by usage of our epic 1337 ducky maneuvers, and our awesome Duck names. The following pictures are from a practice session.

    At spawn, Duck 1 (Insane54) and Duck 3 (Matty) turn around and head towards Orange. Duck 1 goes towards Purple and puts shots on enemies or calls out enemies, while Duck 3 gathers the Sniper Rifle and goes to Purple with Duck 1.

    At the same time, Duck 2 (Roche178) goes straight up to the hill and uses it as cover to distract and place shots at the enemies, whilst Duck 4 (Shoruka) goes all the way to the side at Yellow and grabs the Custom Powerup.

    Ducks 1 and 4 attack from opposite directions while Duck 2 and Duck 3 cover them from top of the hill and Purple for epic flag capture victory!

    You can view Duck Strategy: Quack Protocol Alpha (on Hangar 02 v2) here.

    I apologize in advance for any spawn problems or such. This is my first MLG map, and I did my best spawn wise. I tried to copy maps like Omni and Amplified, but the design varies for every map. I will continue to tweak it, send any suggestions or comments to me. Spawns are meant to be somewhat predictable, so teamwork can set up a spawn trap. In that essence, if you push too far into a base without team support, I don't consider someone spawning near you/behind you to be a bad spawn.

    This map includes a few tactical jumps that can be risky, but if executed corrected can help immensely. Remember that these can be done from both sides. Here are a few:

    At the top of the hill (1), jump as far as you can straight down the hill (2). At the instant you touch the ground, crouch and jump (3). This will propel you forward with the momentum of the previous jump, which if done properly will land you on top of the door jump up (4). From there you can crouch jump into the base (5). This tactical slide jump allows you quick access to the opposing base. Note that this picture was taken from v1, and a few parts of the rest of the map (irrelevant in this shot) are slightly different.

    At the right spot (1), jump at the small ledge built into the Foundry walls (2). The instant your about to hit it, crouch and jump off that ledge (3). Done correctly you can land on top of the base (4). This tactical ghost ledge jump allows you to not be required to use the dumpster jump or ramp, which can surprise the enemy or help you get to the top easier. Note that on the opposite side, it is easier to jump where there are windows in the wall.

    Click the images below to download the map and gametypes.


    There's a whole lot of people to thank about this map. I most certainly could not have done this by myself, this map is pretty much totally thanks to all these people. Normally, I'd go right into my list of thanks, but I just need to say before: Sir Toppum Hat1, thanks for making this map work in the first place. You're really great...scratch that, awesome, at Forge, understand what I want done, and capable of doing it perfectly and quickly. To be honest, you probably have the best Forging technique I've ever seen. If you'll have me, I'm up for making another map with you.

    Fritzster, thanks for getting my interest up with this map. I was kind of iffy about the map before, but after talking about the map design with you, that pretty much accelerated the map to what it is now. Also, thanks for looking at the map and advising with the design, and helping out as the map progressed.

    Xanon, thanks for help in general. Your MLG expertise has helped a lot, you tested a ton, you came up with the Duck Strategy, and came up with the name.

    Penguinish and DRiSCOLL, thanks for the super pro looking Photoshop jobs. Mr Smiley, iRaynne, and meleemaster246 for the screenshots. iRaynne and Tex, thanks for doing the video...whenever it comes out. Matty, looking over the map and making some suggestions, and helping for the write up. Quiganomenometry (Orangeremi), for helping on the MLG side of things. Roche178, Mini Waz, and RageGummy, for having the best accents ever.

    Pretty much everyone on my friends list that I haven't mentioned yet - particularly those that were in for the pictures.

    Lastly, thanks to the Testers Guild and practically all my friends for testing.
  4. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    POST!! Actually, I just want to say that whatever changes you made are probably absolutely amazing towards gameplay, and that I am downloading the map now. I will get back to you with a gameplay report as soon as possible.
  5. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Holy mother those screenshots took a while to load up lol. I remember playing this with you. I am not sure if I played v2 or the original version, but I know for one thing, this map was hella fun. I really liked how the map was set up. Nice job to Sir Toppum Hate for the amazing layout. Also nice job on forging this to Insane. Having an amazing layout for a map doesn't mean anything untill its forged. The interlocking/geomerging in this map was suberb nice job there. I really liked King of the Hill the most on this map. I loved having one of the hills in the hill in the middle. Overall incredible job on this map Insane, glad to see some maps made by you.

  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Ah, I remember the V1, it plays so well, the middle structure created some very interesting firefights. I'm still confused about the tele room, what is it supposed to do?

    I'll be sure to download this, great job.
  7. X taco king X

    X taco king X Ancient
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    The amount of work that was put into this map definetly shows in its design and flawless MLG quality gameplay that is found no where else. I know MLG isnt about the asythetics, but I think that you pulled of a great MLG asythetic map along with this playlists normal gameplay.

    10/10 feature worthy

    Edit: haha I know the real Sir toppum hat (like without the 1) In real life... my choir directors son.
  8. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    the sender in the tele room brings you to the other teams spawn.

    As for the map, it looks very good,very well merged and interlocked, from what i seen on your live feed, the spawns are pretty well, weapon and power up placement look amazing, i would definatly play this map anytime.
  9. natu

    natu Ancient
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    The map really does look great. Especially with all those action shots. It feels a little open but other than that it's a great map, and it really looks like you put your time, and effort into making it. 5/5
  10. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    some of your pics aren't working, mainly in the action shot section. What have you changed from this and the v1? i can't really tell the difference
  11. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    There's really no flaws to be said about this map.
    The amount of effort you put into getting this map just prefect really shows, and it turned the map into something extraordinary.
    The spawns are tweaked so perfectly that they greatly accommodate MLG gameplay, and the weapon layout is so beneficial to the initial gameplay. The two snipers by each base compliment the line of sight in such a conclusive manner that the map turns into an unstoppable addiction.
    All the testing this map went through truly payed off.


    Great job Insane, this is an astonishing achievent that raises the expectations for MLG maps all that much higher.
    #11 iRaynne, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  12. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    ...WahT?! NO WAI!

    I'm amazed at the amount of "Omg amazing merges MLG 5/5 loLoLlol!"
    that this map is getting.

    On a lighter note, I already had my reviw ready for MLG Requiem V.2

    The Final Review


    Weapon/Equipment/Objective placement:
    - Made the custom work well with the map. Players who controlled the hill in V.1 controlled the custom, with the custom near gold, it gave an incentive to get out of the hill and grab the custom.
    - Mauler now in middle, made the hill a little more maintainable but didn't completely dominate in it.
    - Same Hill/CTF placement as V.1. No complaints.

    - Cant complain. Made it a bit more open which fixed the clutteres center hill. Also made the sniper more useful.

    - Complimented gameplay by making players have to win individual BR battles by cutting of LoS

    - Players moved throughout the map constanly.
    - Risk/Reward used well

    A great example would be how to capture the flag.

    1. Run up/down middle (quick yet open)
    2. Run to the pipes (sneaky, but close to enemies, also the longest)
    3. Run along Carbie/Custom (better cover than middle, but a player has to block that pawn area first)

    - Made spawns not neutral for slayer, thank you. It works more well with it. Sort of like The Pit.
    - Rarely spawn killed
    - It's possible to spawn-trap, a staple of MLG maps/games

    (requires a lot of teamwork to do so)

    One of my favorite MLG maps to play on due to the weapon placement, layout, risk/reward/ the friggen hill!/ and I believe it to be a breakthrough from all the typical Fondry MLG maps whilst keeping the same high standards and feel of an MLG map.

    And seriously, the song is awesome!
    YouTube - Updated with Lyrics: Lucky - Jason Mraz feat Colbie Caillat (HQ) Official Music Video
  13. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    God do I love this map. Sir Toppum Hat did a great job with the geometry and you did a great job with the weapon/spawn placement.
    Everything in the map flows incredibly well and gameplay is very intense. I still think you should replace that barrier with a merged wall though.

    I played all the MLG gametypes you have up there and Team Snipers (Amercan Psycho is a freaking beast at snipes) and they were all very fun. KOTH was my favorite out of all of them because your hill placement was perfect and the whole game flowed very well and came out very even (250-243).

    Honestly, this is one of the best symmetrical Foundry maps that I have gotten the opportunity to play. I wouldn't mind seeing this featured and I could see it being played in MM. Great job!
  14. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    Sharp on MLG Requium

    Well Insane and Toppum do not disappoint. Insane's innovative ideas and skill at forging combines with Toppum's ability to Geomerge in ways that walls and boxes aren't supposed to go. The structures are smooth and the flow of the map is incredible. However, he does include a few tactical jumps that, easy for some, may be not so easy for others. By this I mean the onslaught-like doors in the front of the bases. They are a great help, if you have someone that can ghost jump! The structures themselves are interesting and provide ample cover while housing the normally expected MLG style weapons such as the sniper, oversheild and mauler. The back areas, though underused are incredibly forged and designed to work to perfection. Also, the team's work of geomerging power-ups to make for easy call-outs shows true dedication to the game and consideration for the mental health of the player (lol). The most impressive part, however, is the impossible to miss center structure. At first this may seem a bit sketchy to put in an MLG map but it actually works beautifully. The design allows for easy call-outs and flag runs are given equal chances to both score and defend.

    As for gameplay, Team slayer is always fun I mean who doesn't love shooting things. Insane and Toppum's design actually made me want to through my controller through the wall less. The power weapons, while still effective don't overpower the other team. The sniper may be able to get one shot on a play then it is up to the Br whores to finish them off. The back orange and white areas (i believe those are the call-outs) can also be used to tip the fight in your favor making them an underrated success. However, Capture the flag thrives on this map! The flag caps play much like the heavily favored onslaught CTF. You can take the flag and run it either straight over the top (quicker but less cover) or under the dome (less cover but more obstacles). Then there is the less popular side runs that the feat can still be accomplished yet it is much harder.

    A quick note on the spawns... the are perfect except for one spawn. During TS and CTF games. There is one point by the right side base when looking towards the back of foundry. It is basically a spawn kill. Someone spawns there at least once a game. Not a big deal though ;).

    Overall rating: 9.5/10 ... or Feature NAO!!!!
  15. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
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    wow tactical much.
    this map is aboslutely incredible, just love the central structure and the overall geometry of the map!
    the duck strategy is a really intresting concept as well.
    love it love it love it! :D
  16. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    This map is so beautiful. Like that's all you can say rounded in the shortest sentence possible. But yes, I have played this map, it played beautifully and the flow is super nice! The middle is...well...AMAZING!!! I can never angle merge in my life, my forging skill cannot reach that level! And if you can do it fast, that makes it all the more impressive! So yes, a great map, no AWESOME map, please download this, you won't regret it, and enjoy it folks. It's neck and neck with Impact and I honestly think this will be featured.
  17. TheRagingBeast

    TheRagingBeast Ancient
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    Wow this map sucks so bad, Forgehub fails at MLG I have no idea how this is getting voted for in Best of Forge besides the fact that it's Insane54 and everybody knows him.

    Seriously learn how to forge mlg maps first.
  18. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Good map and i like the new color the white call and orange call ! Its gonna be a difrent play ! I give you a 5/5 for the merging and the good fusion of the box ! You could be sure i gonna download it !
  19. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Your ignorance most definetely outshines your sheer stupidity.
    Look, I know you're slightly.....slow, but you have to understand that you can't make insults about maps without having a valid reason.

    "Wow this map sucks so bad..."
    - In this insult, you claim it "sucks" meaning that it is distasteful to you in some way. Yet, you failed to include that in your post. Now, onwards.

    "Forgehub fails at MLG"
    - In this insult, you've failed to specify which aspect of MLG. Maybe it would be:
    A. Not good at making MLG maps
    B. Not good at playing MLG
    Let us resume.

    "I have no idea how this is getting voted for in Best of Forge..."
    - Well first off let us first clarify what Best of Forge (BoF) is.
    The Best of Forge is a bi-annual celebration of forge, in which you, the community, have the opportunity to let your voice be heard and vote for your favorite maps from the past six months. Obviously, the map is a hit, because it was selected by a large amount of people along with other MLG maps selected in that category such as Archaic v2 and Vestige v2. All really great MLG maps.

    "besides the fact that it's Insane54 and everybody knows him."
    - Ahh my favorite. Now you see, it doesn't matter if a map maker is a mod or an admin to win BoF, it is all based around the map and it's qualities.

    "Seriously learn how to forge mlg maps first."
    - Seriously learn how to capitalize MLG. k? good Anywho, I'm confused by you statment. But I'll try to decode it as best as I can. I believe you're saying, learn about MLG maps before you make one. If that's is so then you haven't done you research at all. You see, in the designing of the map Insane studied the MLG Pro cicuit maps qualities and how they should play. He had Fritzser (the maker of MLG Amplified) have a look and he helped out Insane a bit. From this you've now learned that Insane did do his research, and you clearly have not.

    Now, go scudaddle you little noodle.
    #19 Shanon, Aug 30, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2009
  20. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    You are right.... they only made Onslaught....
    Raging is right because your map needs a laser for it to actually be good. [/sarcasm]

    But seriously, this looks amazing. All of this makes me actually want to play MLG more often. I could see this making it into the MLG playlist- great job.

    I dont see where the Sender node is though- is it in the pictures? Also wouldnt teleporters be cheap? Couldnt people sit behind the nodes and assassinate? If you havent yet and have any budget left, geomerge a box into the back wall so that the receiver cant be stood behind. That or geomerge the edges of the receiver into the back wall.
    #20 Loscocco, Aug 30, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2009

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