After My last creation, Urban Life, I ran plain out of Ideas for a new map. If anyone could pitch an Idea or join me in a forge to construct something new. That would be appreciated PS: I dont do aesthetic maps
i reckon that towers have been overdone, try and find something new, that noone has ever tried before, like furious did with his unchained map.
Castle, then? I haven't really seen any castle maps yet (And I just probably gave out the next big fad).
i don't mean to offend you but i've seen a fair few castle maps recently i would go in completely different direction
how about a bowl-like arena with a corridor running around the outside like that halo 2 map (i can't remember the name) except on one level
no it wasn't ascension, it was the covenant level with the big statue and i know it wasn't really bowl-like but it was round and it had split levels
gemini, man i can't believe i forgot that, but yeah something like gemini except with rounded edges that you can walk up and on a single level
How about a submarine/boat (interior). Tight corridors, multiple rooms. Bad idea...yes, first one i had, sorry. Do you prefere whole themes or just maps?
That's actually not too bad of an idea. I could picture my friends and I playing Infection on a map like that. Zombies rushing from room to room, humans protecting themselves with shotguns and hiding in a corner of the room....
Well, it wouldn't be completely tight quarters. There could be like a section with multiple rooms that have power weapons. The humans will have to venture there if they want a good weapon, but they could stay in an open section with cover and a chance to see the zombies coming. I don't know, maybe it really wouldn't work so well....