Turf- Remake of the classic Halo 2 map made by Gamefreak1792. Gametypes- CTF, Slayer, Assault Players- 4-12 Players This is a remake of the classic H2 map Turf. This map has all the original weapons and vehicles that turf did and(with understandable variation) original spawns. Obviously i couldnt get the exact placement on spawns because H2 didnt have forge and i couldnt go in and look where bungie placed them. Beside spawns and the red plasma rifle, everything is nearly the same. The map (i think) is pretty close to the size of the original, but i have had people tell me otherwise. There were a few problems like with money and item limit so i couldnt build it up as much as i wanted to or have as many gametypes. I built the map before i knew about the item problem bungie put on sandbox, so due to item limit there are a few spots to get out if you gernade jump but unless you know exactly where they are its not a big deal, though i have had people on bungie comment me and ***** me out for that. Plz be understanding and nice about it. As for weapons like i said they are all the orginal weapons. The list includes: * 6 BR-30 sec * 1 Sniper-120 sec * 2 Brute shot- 60 sec * 2 Plasma rifle- 30 sec * Plasma gernades-10 sec * Plasma pistol- 30 sec * 1 Shotgun-120 sec Sorry if i got any of that wrong i was going off memory and i built the map about a month and a half ago so its alittle fuzzy. The map has all the things that H2 turf did including the scarab. I had originally made the map for the Forgotten Treasures map making contest here on Forgehub.com and i made it in about 10 hours so that in addition to the item and money limit kinda left room for error. If you find any others beside what i mentioned please leave a FRIENDLY comment. Thanks for checkin out the post and i hope you like the map. Download here: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
It looks good overall, but also escapable in a ton of places (with grenade jumps and such). You should've put it in the crypt to save items that you used to border it, since it's a square anyway. That way, you wouldn't have had so much of a problem with item limits.
i dont really see any spots that are escapable... but anyways the map itself is forged really good and the basic layout is the same, but the problem is scale, it is waaaayy smaller than turf, the real map has much more space in the hallways and just about everywhere
Yeah like I said in the description I didn't know about the item issue so I built it with very limited money and items so it was kind of hard to get it to scale, once school is over I will build a v2.
wow... i made a remake of this too TurfBox but yours is ok but you should make it un escapable and make it wider check out mine for what im talking about.
He still would've had to put borders around because Turf in Halo 2 is smaller than the crypt. Trust us, it is escapable. I already have downloaded this map from that contest held awhile back and found a spot where I could escape without even grenade jumping and such. Anyways, this is a very accurate remake. I thought it was awesome, despite the breaking the map part, but I understand, you ran out of $$. It sucks when that happens. Good job overall though. 4/5 for accuracy.
from looking at itt, I cn tell this is a whole lot smaller, than the original. But when forging through it, I really like the effort you but into it, like getting the scarab in there. I really liked it and I can see some great ffa coming from this.
It's very... yellow. No jk looks nice but could use some more aesthetics and it's hard to get a very good idea of what exactly it's like from just the pictures.
I just wanted to thank everyone for the good feedback and i am going to make a V2 here sometime in the near future, with work, school and finals coming up i just dont have time to make one right now but i am going to fix the escaping problem, the kind off maze look it has to it,size and put alittle more aesthetic appeal in to. If there is anything else please message me and make sure to watch for the updated version probably coming within the next month. Thanks for downloading and checkin out the post. -Gamefreak1792