This is my first map posting on the forum so I hope this meets to high standards of what I have seen and downloaded so far. Siege Castle This map is a siege and conquer style map based around a classic castle design. Think medieval battles from long ago brought into the twenty first century. It’s a BTB orientated game type with lots of power weapons and heavy vehicles. Designed for One flag / one bomb or team slayer; It is going to take a lot of skill to take this castle by force. The main structure is designed with an outer wall and surrounding courtyard with one main way of entry at the front. The inner castle has formidable walls guarded on each side by plasma and Gatling cannons. Inside the main walls you will find all the required weapons necessary to defend from the massive amounts of fire power this castle can withstand. Defences also include two Ghosts or as I would like to call them for this game type Chariots and two wraiths which if used correctly will push back any advancing army. The main draw bridge is pulled up but there are two handy man cannons which allow easy exiting access when required. There is also plenty of cover inside the walls to avoid the hornet’s constant rocket barrage Vehicles respawn quickly to make sure the castle is always under heavy fire as it’s a created for constant and unyielding attack. Its puts the classic heavy game types of halo which can be boring in to a different league of fun but it takes skill to achieve your goals. Tips include: Don’t let the defenders take the attackers base of toys as that will be game over as the attackers respawn in the garage itself. The attackers respawn base/area is designed to be venerable so always keep an eye out for those knights in there chariots. If the attackers take control of the main structure there is safe respawning under cover in the outer courtyard from the barrage of fire the defenders will be under. There are only two mains ways of gaining access to the main castle. Storm the front gates using the man cannons once you have dominated the outer defences. There is also a teleporter hidden outside the back of the inner castle within the outer courtyard. A portable grave lift is laid out in the open between the two bases to gain access from the rear of the castle. That is almost certain death if you don’t use the appropriate tactics and weapons. View from the rear of the castle over looking the attackers starting area Front view of the castle Inside the main castle Side view This is a break down of all the weapons and vehicles on the map: Attackers: (all vehicles 20 seconds respawn) 2x Gauze Warthogs 2x Warthogs 2x Scorpion 2 x Rocket Hornet One sniper One set of rockets One bubble shield One Gatling gun placed on top of the garage Battle rifles Defenders 2x Wraith (30 seconds respawn) 2x Ghosts (30 seconds respawn) Three sets rockets inside the main castle (20 second respawn) One Spartan Laser (60 second respawn) One sniper Three bubble shields (20 second respawn) Two power drains Battle rifles and brute shots are floating around Gatling guns and plasma cannons on each wall of the main castle I am constantly tweaking this map so any feed back is greatly appreciated. It hasn’t truly been tested out with sixteen players yet. But with my friends it has proved to be lots of fun if you like objective styled games designed for 16 players. You can use standard custom game settings as this is a one bomb / one flag or team slayer game type. I hope you have fun! Download Siege Castle map You can now find an updated version of this map on competitve forged maps Link to Siege Castle Chronicles
This actually looks interesting, for a heavy-weapons spamfest... I'll give you a 3.5/5, because the map looks like you put a little time into building the castle. Of course, it is another one of those 'Fortress' maps with an overdose of vehicles and power weapons. I'll have to wait another week or so (for my 360 to get back) before I can playtest it, though. I'm perfectly willing to raise the rating if it plays well, so I'm not going to vote on the thread just yet.
Best looking castle made on sandbox to date, but I'm not so sure about all the power weapons, Gauses, and... yeah, yakno?
Looks like a pretty fun map. Definitely good for 1 sided CTF. However, all the vehicles might be a bit overpowered and I wouldn't mind seeing a few more pics. Good job overall.
Changes to the map I will edit the map removing some of the heavy weapons and vehicles to make standard version of this map for skill and tactics. I should be able to post it over the next couple of days once i finishing editing a couple of other maps I intend on posting. The orginal idea took heavy btb then try to mold around how medievil battles were fought. catapults, chariots etc... I had downloaded a few castle map designs before and was left disapointed in there design. I have spent many hours tweating the design as i love castles in general this is my tribute to one of my favourite times in history.
Aesthetically this mmap is ****ing great but i do not think it would play very well with all the heavy weappons. You might want to put something in the center if you can to like some other small buildings.
This map is pretty awesome, but the attackers are somewhat overpowered. There is only two ways into the castle, so the snipers can take out the mancannon way and someone else can camp the tele. Try adding more ways in.
You finally got the pictures working, nice. I like these types of maps. Any type of map with a large amount of people with a war like gametype always is fun to me. Nice job on this man, I will not have gold for about 2 weeks, so I won't be able to try this map out, but still it looks great from the pics.
Yes, this map does seem like you did spend a lot of time building and designing (welcome to Forgehub by the way). I agree with most people with the fact that there are too many vehicles. Perhaps delete a few, get a budget again, and make obelisks or something outside the castle so that people attacking have some cover. Or you could make a smooth bank as cover, it's all your move. I give you a 4/5 overall, and I'll be watching you for some more maps....
well after hours and hours of tweaking then more hours of editing posts (while annoying my partner and staying up till 5am finishing it off) I finally finished the siege castle update. You can now find the updated version as well a couple of variations in competitive forge maps under: Link to Siege Castle Chronicles The main castle has been updated to include two side entrances. Additional entrances on the outer wall. Fewer heavy weapons and vehicles. New structures and better cover outside the castle. New attackers bases. Better respawn locations.. etc.. These will vary dependant on the map type. I would personally recommend Ultimate siege as I spent the most time on this map variation as i took all of your great advice on board and tried to make something special. There is four variations now: 1. Ultimate siege: Minimal Vehichles and fewer heavy weapons. 2. Ultimate siegeD: Same map with draw bridge down 3. Aerial Siege 4. Siege Castle heavy Version 2: Updated with fewer heavy weapons I hope you get a chance to check them out in competitive forge maps I would like to thank eguitaplaya33: if it wasnt for him I would of never have got to this stage. Hats off to you sir. I would also like say thank Gollygeeanelite for making such a great site and taking the time to introduce himself and to comment on my first forged map posting. I hope you like the updated versions.