Download Link A small map to be played with the Arena Battles game type. Shoot the floor to ricochet your bullets in an attempt to kill your enemies. Map created by aha2095 and Cowdog12.
I like the idea and what you are trying to create but you need to make the map unbreakable, as one little grenade bounce and you are out, unless you dont start with grenades? I like it otherwise!
I agree with wat TFx KiLl3r says in that you should probably add a roof so that people couldn't get out. Also, i see that i could get out by using the fuel rod if i wanted to. I would also recommend making it a little cleaner and making it so that you could bounce things off the side and the roof, when or if you make one. Your idea is there, but it could use a little refinement. It looks like a blast with friends! Overall 3.5/5 just because you need to tweak a few things, but the fun is still there Like i said, you can escape via fuel rod cannon. I would really recommend putting on a roof and adding another twist to the game-something that really wows the crowd
This looks like a map of luck and fun. I really like it. Its one of those "Only in Halo 3" type maps.
I really like the concept. And it really reminds me of Spike arena but the richochet idea is new and not alo of people know about it. One problem would have to be the length of the games ;D Great job though.
less than that probably, there are signs floating in the air you could easilly jump out from ontop of