Oh God my gamertag is Lordpaladin99 and I get some of mispronunciations such as: Lordplaladine99 Lordpaladine99 LordPaiadin99 and some people when they pronounce my forum name they say rocheey you sat it like the insect Roche.
Poz-tar Poz is pronounced like posse (poss-ee) Tar as in hot tar. Some people say poze-tar or pot-zar. Whatever is fine!
The number of times I have been called K-C-Y... I just don't understand how people mistake an I for completely different letterrs.
I bet you guys could guess of what I heard from 71 Virginians... I hate it when little kids say that kinda ****...
QUIGINAMANAMANMATREE QUIGINAMANAMANAMATREE QUIGINAMA QUIGINAMA QUIGINAMA WITH A BASEBALL BAT OH WAYAT WAYAT WAYAT WAYAT OH DAYGO DAYGO DAYGO DAYGO...... orange, you know what im talking about. Dont make me sing it again, or better yet, get insane to sing it again. note on xbox live, its not Orange, its Qrange, which is what started quiginamanamanamatree
I get called: GodWhaleSushi Gdwlshi Good... Whale... Sushi??? God/GoodWhaleSissy (wtf) God (understandably j/k) GoodWhaleSlushee GodWhileSlushee Some fail to see two O's. tsk tsk tsk...
ok... -melonX -melon -maelonX -maelon -MalcomX Ok It's like this... Me-lon-X I'm not a fruit, and I most definitely am not a colored civil rights activist
MythicNinja=Mistic Ninja............There is no "S" My old one was x MKR N1NJ4 x= Maker ninja/ MKR N 1 New Jersey 4
I always have people who say that I'm an idiot and that "Maelstrom" is really pronounced "maelstorm" I mean wth; wtf is a maelstorm. When I used to play Runescape I had the username "Metalbeav." Oh, my gosh, the names I got out of that one. One guy (I thought he was a noob but we're intitled to our own opinions) insisted on calling me mealbeaver. I wonder where that one came from. Other than that I use a lot of usernames as "vaeb". God I swear I will never use that again. And no, I will not go into the 4-year story on how the beav came around. Yes, he's a beaver. No, he is not my imaginary friend. And for those of you who didn't figure it out on sight; "Vaeb" is "Beav" backwards. Kinda sounds cool I thought.
zstrike13... i have an easy one but tht dsnt stop ppl from being retarded.... ive gotten striker (???) no r.... just plain Z- which isnt as bad because its just shortened Stickman... i really dnt know where the hell tht one came from, so dnt ask... and Ztrike... i mean really, is it THAT hard to see tht S ??? 4 such an easy name, ppl love to just find ways to butcher it...
it was a noob i played in social slayer, he got owned at the end of the match and i never saw him again, that is why i only play ranked matches nowadays
same, i h8 social matches, its pointless, if i hve a guest ill go straight to custom games usually or something, but social is pointless w/o a guest... n00bs play social so as not to look like a n00b in ranked but they still do lol
It's actually "pred-a-side" like "fred", I get called "pre-decide" about 50% of the time. The only exception was some guy called me "predictable" once