No, that is not how to resolve this problem! You were talking about yourself and your own powers pertaining to the argument, not his.
lol duble post ^ and stop posting in Spanish Yo no comprendo and yes aMoeba there was a double post I saw it
Uysgay! Ixnay onway ethay Anishspay! Useway Igpay Atinlay insteadway; ey'llthay evernay atchcay onway. Anyways, let's stop this. Spamming up this thread is just detrimental. Another point I'd like to bring up is 'Is it really that much harder for you to learn Spanish so you can converse with them, so that they don't have to themselves?'. Like I've said earlier, if they're forced to go to English classes, which from what I know from how long my ESL friends have been taking English classes, takes an upwards of 4-5 years. English is wickedly hard to learn. There are so many contradictions and exceptions in the grammar rules that it's confusing as hell for non-native speakers to learn it. Whereas taking a Spanish class from English is at the most 4 semesters to grasp basic grammar and vocabulary, learning English from Spanish is crazy hard. One of my favorite chain letters, ever.
Yes, we all should/do understand this now, WHAT WE HAVE IS WORKING SO WHY CHANGE IT? seriously this debate is done.
The counterpoint of this thread refuted every argument that supported the debate subject. It's pretty much over, in favor of the opposition.
I think you're a little confused here champ, English is the official language, but it is beginning to drift away because an increase in immigrants, emigrants, and illegals. English is the official language, but I think what you want to say is "English should be the only allowed language, that way we don't have to press 1 when trying to order something over the phone"
They wouldn't teach us there langauge I think that the United States should have there official language as English.If I were to move to another country with a different language they most likely not teach there language.