Title says it all. I think they are. For one reason, Zombies can only get points equal too the amount of players that aren't alpha zombies. Humans can get infinite. Also, Humans can pick up weapons and use guns. Zombies can't. A lot of infection games involve humans with Armouries that Zombies can't capture and use. Many 'Living Dead' maps feature a place where it takes roughly 5 zombies ALL AT ONCE too take down ONE human, and there's usually roughly 5 humans in that spot. Many 'Living Dead' maps feature a lot of easy camping points for humans. In a 1-1 situation with a Shotgun Firing and a Energy Sword lunging, at most distances the shotgun hits first. Although a lot of the time, zombies think inside a VERY small box. E.g. on The Pit's 'Living Dead' Infection variant, Zombies jump from the crate too the large door, where there are usually 3 shotguns pointed at. When they SHOULD be Crouch-Jumping too the window next too it, usually there'll be a human behind it looking at the door, not with enough time too react.
Well, Infection games are famous for their lack of skill. You can be SO bad at halo, and still win. It's almost always one sided aswell, and Living Dead is just a big example of it.
I played this infection game on Sandtrap with this punk kid as host a week ago, and he was stupid enough to put mongooses only and human damage to insta-kill. I started out as a zombie. Couldn't get any kills, until this one guy went afk and then I killed him. Then, both of us died together. Forever. And ever. After that, I cussed out his prepubescent ass. What zombies don't know is that, infection needs strategy. Zombies can't all just rush one human stronghold and hope to win. They need to think of all the entrances, the humans inside, the blind spots, and how many zombies there are on their side.
Well, to make it fair there are Hordes,and Hordes of Zombies and only like 5 humans. There going to surroud you and at one point there just going to pile up. And yes, I've played games where Zombies could either drive veichles, or pick up weapons. But That game did suck.
But your a zombie! The gametype can be fun, default is a good one. It just makes little gets get a boner when they are getting alot of kills.
Yeah, stupid zombie gametypes really put me off infection. I like the default maps ALOT better than most of the custom made stuff. Im actually thinking of letting the zombies have weapons aswell as the humans, might be pretty fun.
I like Club Dead, if that's what you mean by default maps (not DLC). I also like Creeping Death on Snowbound. It's like the most balanced infection gametype and map combination ever.
Sorry i miss typed my stuff and did not explain enough. I don't like most of the zombie gametypes because the humans are always over powered. The default gametypes are much better. I don't like most zombie maps either, this is because armories and one way hallways of death turrets. Don't get me wrong tehre is some great and very fun zombie gametypes/maps just the majorty of infection stuff is just created every unbalanced and does not give me a fun time. Like i said, i am seriously thinking of doing a gametype/map were zombies are more overpowered than humans. Just too show those people who make those bad gametypes >.< and i think it would bring something new to gameplay.
Basically: yes. Living Dead is basically a camp fest. Whoever can find the best spot to camp, wins. Eventually they'll run out of ammo, or mess up, and become infected, but by that time they've probably killed at least 20 zombies. Living Dead is, for many people, their first introduction into playing Infection, given that its not a playlist outside of DXP weekend. They see Bungie using the maps and gametypes in Living Dead, and assume that that's the "right" way to do things: humans camp in spot x, zombies go on suicide missions. Of course, then you have people who see Infection as a way to punish those who died. Perhaps most infamous of these is n00b zombies on Sandtrap: zombies are invisible, and instant kill; humans drive around in warthogs and kill the zombies. It is extremely hard, if not impossible, to really infect anyone barring any bad driving. The camping seen in Living Dead, while fun for humans, boring and unfun for zombies. However, camping can be made into an enjoyable experience; look at Something.'s map Township* or The City. Both maps focus on camping, but it is based around balanced gameplay, not predictable camp spots and shotguns. Additionally, while maps like Manifest are a revolution for infection, it would be near impossible to implement into matchmaking; the potential for griefing is very high. If you want to play infection and have fun, I suggest custom games.
Well I like Living Dead. The only unfair map on it (I mean truly unfair) is Valhalla. There are like 5 hiding spots where the zombies can never kill you but you can kill them. I made a thread on b.net but it seems that there are more games on Valhalla now than before. And the only gametype is Speed Demons, where the zombies only have grav hammers and can't jump.
Ya, many, many people seriously hate Living Dead cuz they think it's unfair. " The Zombies take so long to kill" "Bungies so gay!!". Well I think it is fair because the Zombies aren't as weak as ****. It's fun. I like it. Except that Old Timey theme on Blackout, Maybe like L4D where the Zombies can only see like that but for humans it just feels Really boring.
I think that's a little too much. What if you're a last man and the Zombies are flooding the area. A slow ass shotgun ain't gonna help.
In a word : Yes. Well, there are very few infection variants that are anywhere near balanced. And the Bungie variants are typically unfair to one side or another (usually the zombies). Speed Demons always devolves into spawnkilling, Brains! ends up with the humans camping in some hallway or hiding spot, and Save One Bullet gives humans around thirty to forty seconds before they all die, as does Creeping Death. Customs are even worse, as they are virtually all one-hit campfests.
Yes, they are but at one point someone will die. (not a zombie) And no matter how long it takes the Zombies sooner or later will outsmart them.
Umm yeah most are unfair to the zombies. Thats actually kind of the whole point... Otherwise you would just be playing team slayer...