Hey guys, i just finished making this and i like it alote, as everybody can see i guess u can say my favorite toll is the smudge tool. I am still new at this. ...CnC Eminem IS the Best- Fav.song- When i'm gone Eminem sig. CnC anybody?
Eminem is over sharpened. And it's a bit plain. You should have kept him in color and found matching brushes/C4D's instead of just going all white. Besides that, it's okay. 2.5/5 P.S. Eminem fails. Just like rap.
I like it, maybe with colors would help and Eminem is WAY oversharpened fix those two things and it will be looking really good.
i oversharpend it because it just look wierd without that effect, and i wanted to try something different and new.
You know the whole point of CnC is to get constructive criticism, right...? It's not like their going to say "OMG PERFECT THIS IS THE BEST SIG EVUR". Whatever. IMO, I think it's oversharpened as well, but I'm not really a graphic guy. Edit: Bah, he got to it first D:
Way too oversharpened and smudging is excessive. Coloration is decent but otherwise I think this sig is no good.