Edifice. This map is build for close to mid-range slayer-brawl games. The map is multi-leveled, with many places to get if you jump a bit. Great for 4-8 players, on slayer, king of the hill, juggernaught or SWAT. It also supports CTF. It has also been built with unique king of the hill zones. You can download it here. A listing of some of the weapons 2 shotguns 2 needlers 1 rocket launcher 1 sword 1 sniper 2 brute shot 2 (I think) mauler 4-6 battle rifle 2 plasma pistol and a few others there is also an active camoflage and overshields.
sorry to say, but your post is not up to standards. you cant post pictures directly from bungie. you can use haloscreenshots.com(i think? idk the actual site i havnt used it). just search your gamertag and your pictures will be there, then just copy and paste the img codes into your post.
Glad you got the pictures working. As for your map I do like the layout I like the maps overall lines of sight that the structures bring. The first thing I noticed was a sword behind a sheild door. Perfect camping spot I either would move the sword or the sheild door. Your weapon placement is ok but it seems you put in a few too many power weapons. The main thing I see is 2 shotguns, 2 maulers and a sword. I think that has far too much close range focus on your map which is not close quarters. I would recomend you get your weapon list acurate though, big difference between four and six brs. Anyways you might want to consider placing a carbine in those boardering tunnels. As a note the plasma pistols are mostly used close range as well. I would say it would be best to loose some of the close quartes weapons and get some smg's, spikers and plasma rifles in. Now for the topic that could help your map the most. Interlocking. Sadly I see none. You should definately interlock your bridges into the double boxes preferably upside down since it's a smoother surface. You should also interlock your single open boxes into the boxes they're on. This would remove the bumps from walking in and out of them. You should also interlock the walls you used in those single boxes on the mid level of your tower. You should also consider using fence walls instead since it's a pretty bad camping spot. Your crates that you used as a jump up should also be anchored with a weaponholder to stop it from being knocked over leaving the top inaccessable. Overall this is a good map for the forging techniques at your disposal and you have a good head for layout. I hope my advice helps and I'll keep an eye out for a V2. Keep forgeing
thx for the advice, I will probably switch out either the swords or shotguns, and just so I know,what do you mean by interlocking?
Ok I will try to explain and add a link on how to interlock. Basicaly it is placeing an imovable object on your map. Once its placed tell it not to spawn at start. Start a new round. Then while the object is not there you place a second object you would like to interlock into it withing the area where your object was. Then when your object spawns they will be within one another. Link in a second. For any more forgeing info/ tricks or techniques just go to the forging 101 thread.