Whats up guys, After recently posting my map ROYAL FLUSH I thought I would upload my main love for forging and why I got into it - racetracks. My most recent track I created is a remake of Banshee Boardwalk from Mario Kart 64 (and DS). I plan on making more remakes of tracks from MK64 because it was and still is one of my favorite video games of all time. The track is an exact replica, except for the very end of the track right when you exit the haunted house, there is supposed to be a horse shoe shaped turn leading into the final straight away but i RAN OUT OF MONEY! For those of you that played Mario Kart 64 I hope this brings back some memories for you and most of all enjoy! **EDIT** I AM CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR A "FORGEMATE" OR SOMEONE ELSE WHO IS INTERESTED IN MAKING A FEW MORE REMAKES OF RACE MAPS FROM MARIO KART 64. MUST BE SKILLED IN FORGING TECHNIQUES..PLEASE SEND ME A MESSAGE IF YOU ARE INTERESTED! THANKS! Remake of still image of the orginal track Haunted house Inside the Haunted house with the hole in the floor Diagonal floors after the zig-zag(the part you always fall into the water in mario kart lol) Overview of the whole track YOUTUBE VIDEO YouTube - Halo 3 Mario Kart 64 Racetrack: Banshee Boardwok DOWNLOAD BANSHEE BOARDWOK
Looks awesome, I'll be sure to make some space and DL this to try it out. Some comparison pics would be nice since I haven't played MK64 in AGES and can't really remember the track that well.
Thanks! Ill see what I can do, it might be kind of hard to get screen shots of the original track, but I will try
this looks like an awesome remake, i love the way you can still cheat . i would suggest tidying up the floor a bit but you said you ran out of money so dont bother, and it doesnt affect the gameplay. im downloading right now. awesome 9/10
i remember playing this with my little brother (can you still jump the gap in the house bit) i know some of the floor in the game is on a slant but you could of tried to perfect the road and you could try a v2 with budget glitch so you could add more in and if you are making more remakes msg me
Design an infection game for it that spawns zombies in banshees and the humans race brokeback with rocket launchers, and you have my download. The road on this isn't the best, and I know the original course, so I know that the road could be slightly neater. I also noticed that there are some ways to cheat.
maybe you could remake one of the ones with cannons or bats or watever and make cannon men throw fusion coils into the path of the racers. good ob.
I remember this map on MK-DS, I used to freaking hate playing on that map. lol, But this looks like some solid fun. I would suggest some interlocking on the wooden (thin) areas, Becase they seem to be a but bumpy. This map is very accurate and I see you studied the map well. If you don't mind I will try to make this track availiable in the "FGTG Racing Leaugue", because it doesn't quite reach requirments. But there is a few thing i'll need to do. Those things are; spawn teleporters and grav lifts in the dstination so that no one can cheat and go back and forth, or go backwards on the track. overall pretty solid map, I will be testing it today. and I think it will be fun. *Reserved for feedback*
the only thing wrong I see is that the bridged and such are just laid atop the boxes and such, which makes a bumpy ride. Also, you could re set down the blocks and such inside the haunted house making each one, though not interlocked, a little bit smoother. Good job!
It most certainly does! and yes, I will enjoy this. I only had Mario Kart DS though, I had a N64 but no Mario Kart 64. I liked this map on the games because I felt it was different from the rest, great remake. Only complaint is teh wooden bridge parts, merge them down abit so it becomes smoother, and as a result, more enjoyable. It would be great if you could remake more Mario Kart tracks, especially the one with pinballs..... EDIT: I also like how you included the little jump across the gap in the house, very good.
Looks pretty good, a good replication of the original. the only thing i was wondering about is the bats that come out t in the haunted house. could you use grav lifts for this by chance?
i know that your trying to copy the mario kart track so its not easy to make it smooth etc... but you could still merge it together to make it smoother :/ 2/5
This looks like a promising remake. The house looks exactly like the n64 one, especially the hole. I watched the video and noticed a lack of interlocking with the wooden bridges, i suggest you just slightly interlock them (an easy way to do this is to just place a wooden bridge under the original bridge, save and quit, and delete the original one). Same goes for the diagonal jump where i always fall in the god damn water (stupid mario, mc and a mongoose can beat him in a race anyday), lol, back to the track, you need to interlocks, it makes it a whole lot smoother and better. The beginning didn't seem fast-paced, try adding shield doors at the corners of each turn to bounce racers through the turn. The track is good and i really like it, and it looks like you spent quite some time on it, but all racers know that interlockz = win. and interlocks + playability = epic win sauce. I give it a...4.5/5. With a couple changes this can be a success. Good luck man. and Keep forgin! -Dylan
thanks for all your suggestions guys! My only problem with the additions to more stuff is, like I said in the description I ran out of money And I cant use the budget glitch unless I completely start over, which I def. DO NOT want to do as I put a lot of time into this track lol. You guys are right tho it does need some more interlocking on the bridge. If anybody is interested on helping me make a better V2 please PM me. Also, please PM me if you are good at forging/interlocking and would be interested in making a remake of a few more MK64 tracks with me...I have a specific one in mind that I want to do next, but I want to try working with someone else because I havent tried it before.
I think you need to delete just a little scenery and add some effects to put on this to make it way darker. Otherwise, it looks pretty good. I'll test it out.