The big problem with that would be the fact that you must have a whole seperate room for that. Motion sensors are spread out all-over that room. They did something like this in the movie "Surfs Up." If you watch the bonus features in there, you'll see that they did the same thing to film it. It's like interacting with the virtual world.
It's definitely cool, but a bit unorganized. Kind of like windows 7. I don't like how letters and stuff rotate and you probably need a lot of control of your fingers.
Yay! Now I can drop 2mil to look as stupid as a guy playing DDR at a bowling alley. Seriously, who wants to buy a house and then convert half of it to a room where jacking off becomes the equivalent of opening Microsoft Word. Touch screens. Easy, not complicated to interact with. Won't give you carpal tunnel. Doesn't make you look like a douche bag. Doesn't require strenuous exercise to use one properly. And is much more cost effective and user friendly. But if you want to dance around like a moron just to type a report or visit youtube, be my guest.