Sandbox Junk Yard

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by The Unirocerous, May 31, 2009.

  1. The Unirocerous

    The Unirocerous Ancient
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    Junk Yard

    Use King of Junkies

    Created by powndclmn
    Helped by: Nova102 and Darth1Nader

    What appears to be a random mess in the middle of the desert, is actually one of the most sophisticated Forerunner structures. It was created to make others believe that the structure was unimportant. In later years it was called "The Junk Yard" by all humans that visited it.

    Recommended Slayer type
    5-16 players
    Shotgun only starts

    King of Junkies (Shotgun random starts, FFA KOTH)

    For Slayer use these:
    5-16 players
    Shotgun only starts

    1 Warthog
    X Snipers
    X Plasma/spike nades
    1 BR

    Pictures with call-outs:




    Top Hill







    King Coolness
    Leppard Messiah
    And anyone I forgot.

    Tell me what you think... Also, just so everyone knows this map is PURELY for game play. Trust me I know it looks like trash, but it is a very fun map.
  2. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    This looks like you just threw everything out there, with the exception of the garage. Please do not waste people's time with bs maps. If this is a legit map and only APPEARS to be a junkyard, as said in the description, then I apologize. But otherwise, please refrain from posting a piece of crap map.
  3. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    While it may be fun to play on, its nothing that even the most inexperienced of forgers couldn't make in 20 minutes. As evidenced by the weapon layout, there's really no plan to the mess; you simply threw it together, added weapons and a warthog where you though appropriate, and called it good.
    If you decide to actually create a junkyard themed map, first plan out the basic layout, then add junk. Please do not skip the layout part and simply add junk and hope there's a layout.
  4. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    This comment was harsh, this is posted in the casual section meaning it doesnt have to take itself too seriously. it is clearly a legit map as there is a KOTH marker in one of the pics.

    Having said that, the forging isn't great, neither is the idea, but it looks like it could be alot of fun to play on.
  5. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    There have been any junkyard maps, and this is not one of the best. if you want to see a magnificent one, look at Debo37's Map, Nooks & Crannies 2
    if you want to post a junkyard map, make it decently playable. Thanks
  6. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    There are junk maps, and then there are good junk maps. This is not one of the latter.
  7. The Unirocerous

    The Unirocerous Ancient
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    Ahh I knew everyone was going to post the crap like you guys said. I just want you guys to know that if you have not played it you would not understand why I like the map. That being said, I posted it on this site so I could laugh at how seriously you guys would take this. When I started the map I did not intend on even making a map, I was going to set a cool screenshot, but I had no ideas. So whilst thinking of something I could do I started just making random stuff. I had two friends in and one had already made some snipers cause he was bored too. The other started making random stuff with me. I then saved and ended the game, joined some other friends for customs. I told them I wanted party lead to show them an "awesome" map I just made. I eventually got lead and put this map on. Some of the people said things like "This looks like a piece of crap" I said let's just play a few games. They all ended up coming around and saying it was fun. Lastly, I would again like to thank each and everyone of you that gave me a good laugh. It's great to see what people will say when they are way too serious... Remember this is a casual map!
  8. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    I don't deny that it could be fun. A lot of maps can be fun when you're just playing with your friends; even n00b zombies on sandtrap can be fun. However, just because you and your friends enjoyed it once, does not mean that you should post it on forgehub and expect good reviews/downloads. If I download a map, it would be because it offers an experience that I personally could not forge myself without spending a large amount of time on it.
    Don't judge your map based on how much fun your friends had the first time playing through. See if they want to play it again later. Find out where they go once they know the map; try and figure out a good layout. Spend time on your maps, and it will show. Churn out a map in 5 minutes, and it will be the worse for it.
  9. The Unirocerous

    The Unirocerous Ancient
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    I don't care if people download or not, and my life does not revolve around pleasing the people at forgehub. And just so you know, we played many, many games on it before I posted this, and we played on it again today. And not every map needs to deliver a once in a lifetime experience...
  10. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
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    you know, that's spam.

    on to the map, it does look pretty easily forgable, and it's not too great. that being said, NO i haven't play-tested it. It seems you had good intentions, but the idea is unoriginal and follow-through is sloppy.
  11. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    please don't judge before you play. this could be an extreamly good map and you're dissing it. i made a junk yard map on foundry and it looked bad, but a ton of people thought that it was a fantastic map to play on. i personaly like it when people pile up boxes randomly and make a map out of it, you can make so many strange things this way. BTW looks like it'll have a nice slayer aspect to it.
  12. The Unirocerous

    The Unirocerous Ancient
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    Well it wasn't designed to look nice, but rather be a fun "Hey let's get some people together and play some random customs!" And of course it is unoriginal, it's just a bunch of random items thrown around.

    Lastly, can people stop saying the same stuff over and over again, it's like you guys think I don't realize all these things about the map.

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