The Halo Trilogy Is Over - Now Marathon Takes Over

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Bottlecap, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    For those of you who know what Marathon is, you obviously knew that the giant sphere at Halo 3's ending was the Marathon. Even though it has not been "officially" confirmed, everyone knows that Bungie is going to remake the Marathon series. I have so many questions about this. I really want to know if Master Chief will still wear the same armor throughout the new Marathon triliogy. And for those of you that don't know what I'm talking about, the very end of Halo 3's cinematic showed that sphere, that was a little over 250 years later. Master Chief survived only because he was in cryo sleep, and all the other characters you knew from the Halo universe has passed. What are your thoughts and predictions on the revival of the Marathon series?
  2. TEC: The Elite Connection

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    if this is true then itll be great, bungie is aweosme and did a great job of halo 3 , a remake of marathon would hopefully be brilliant in HD :D
  3. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    will it be a remake of marathon or a new series involving marathon?
  4. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    I guess I have no choice. Apparently I know that Bungie will remake it. Just like everyone knew that Master Chief died before they finished the campaign on Legendary. They were wrong. I really think that you are guaranteeing yourself and everyone else. It is possible, but I really hope you aren't disappointed if it doesn't happen...
  5. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I can guarantee that the majority of Halo players do not think Halo is Marathon. Why? Because the only reason they bought Halo 3 was for matchmaking. D:
  6. Comrade172

    Comrade172 Ancient
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    A few days ago I thought it would be impossible... Then they remade Lockout. So I guess it's possible.
  7. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    hell, the way it's going bungie will do anything if they have the majority of their fanbases support and the funding, and they may maake it a new version of marathon because since they split with microsoft, microsoft still owns the rights to halo but not of bungie or marathon so it is plausible that they would make marathon
  8. E93

    E93 Guest

    never really played marathon
    i played doom
    doom ftw!!!

    but marathon seems kinda cool, i guess
    i think i read about this somewhere else...
    like that the guy in marathon also had a happy helper
    like cortana.... and that a lot of things connected from each
  9. Ryuuketsu

    Ryuuketsu Ancient
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    Wait, I thought that "sphere" at the ending was a planet/star. I really doubt that that was marathon, cause Marathon was the name of the ship the original marathon took place in. They might be able to link the Halo storyline with the one from marathon, but there would be a bunch of plot holes. It would be cool if they remade Marathon, but if they did, There probably wont be a Master Chief, like you think there is.

    Oh, and BoB's are fun to kill.
  10. DCNS336422

    DCNS336422 Ancient
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    That isn't going to happen. Why would you make such a stupid topic without the right information?
  11. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    No DCN, this is going to happen. Bungie has already throught the past year hinted at the revival of the old series. I have read every weekly update, all the top stories, all the Halo books and my brother and I know quite a bit about Halo. I have the right information, its just that you don't. (I'm a nerd, I know) Don't begin to flame and say this is stupid. Oh, and I was reading a Game Informer article a few months ago and they explained after a talk with Bungie that the main character from Marathon is the Master Chief. And of course there will be plot holes with any flipped continuation of a storyline, just like how Star Wars looked more futuristic earlier in chronological order, from episodes 4 5 6 to 1 2 3.
  12. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    If you look through there are a million topics like this.
    Many people have brought their "evidence" to the table for both sides.
    There are many ideas like the sphere being marathon,that spark it shows is apparently something that happens with mars etc.
    On the other hand the years and timeline are completely off and it is far more likely in my opinion that the ark with a collapsing portal activated a failsafe and fired them towards the nearest availible shield world,possibly the one found in ghosts of onyx.
    Overall ill be PO'ed if they just remake marathon,great and all as remakes are they are not creative in any way and can be seen merely as a way to grub at money.
    I mean just look at all the idiots who got their panties in a twist because there were two remakes in the new map pack.
    Personelly i want to see MC link up with blue team and the sparten III's and Dr.Halsey.
    I am aware that most people think him being frozen at the end and the protagonist in marathon was frozen at the beginning is proof that hes the marathon man(the achievement has also been seen as "proof")
    However MC was frozen in halo 1 so really and this might be a shock.
    Its probably just because thats how bungie rolls.
    Keep in mind its more than likely halo was inspired as a better marathon,in which case tieing it into the remake would be like sleeping wiht your mum(i apologise for that picture)
  13. Ryuuketsu

    Ryuuketsu Ancient
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    Thats what XBL Marketplace is for.

    And didn't know that the Marathon Man was frozen. I thought it was supposed to be a sequel to one of Bungie's even older games, which would explain it's incredibly random opening areas (the one that looks like a medieval castle interor)
  14. KRONOS117

    KRONOS117 Ancient
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    any of u read the ghost of onyx book that might have something to do with it i wont spoil it but that might
  15. Comrade172

    Comrade172 Ancient
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    I read the ghosts of Onyx but i still don't see any relationship between marathon and Halo.
  16. KRONOS117

    KRONOS117 Ancient
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    when there transported to another world maybe idk
  17. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Well, I am pretty certain that Bungie will only likely continue Master Chief's carrer in Marathon, and no, he can't hook up with Halsey because she is getting old. But what most people don't think about is that there will be a good number of new Halo games that will be coming out, none of them involving Master Chief. Games like Halo Wars and the games Peter Jackson is developing and other unannounced games.
  18. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    What has that got to do with anything?
    Its not like she was a particularly battle themed character(i dont have the right words but you know what i mean)
    Besides if they just left her where she is with the spartens in a forerunner shield world with 3 unknown "reclaimers"...erm...PLOT HOLES
  19. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    What?!, my point is that Halsey is not likely to be introduced in any new story lines in the future, *cough never again*.
  20. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    isn't halo before marathon? wouldn't that mean that halsey is still "young"

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