Ok, I have slowly been noticing new things about the update. I wanted this to be like a thread where people post updates that they have noticed. Once I get all of them, Ill get this thread locked.
considering ive been hiding under a rock for 6 months theres: Gamertag Rep Alot More Ranks Less stuff Below avatar CnC - What does that mean? computer generated? Not New TexturedSun - Just hating me, i bet i will get infracted by him for this, But seriously just kidding please dont Avatars - People making avatars random girls
There's a new anti-double post feature up that's stopping me from reserving a post in my new thread (just so you can laugh at my attmpts to reserve a post, I'm not thread advertising). See, look I'm trying to double post now Triple post My post count doesn't increase either (4th post) Pretty good, eh?
I think the 'Profile Views' has gone too, there wasn't much need for it anyway - so that's good. On another note, you might as well leave this thread open for people to post stuff, rather than close it. That way, you could just edit the original post whenever the next updates occur. This thread is a good idea - keeps infomation tidy and easy to view. Oh, I might suggest a mini explanation next to the update as to why it has been implemented/removed as people are always asking why?. EDIT: Profile Views seems to be back on the Profile Pages now
For a second, I thought that read Communists and Cripz. Post count went away and came back. Stats under the avatars have changed...i think.
I am so glad that they got rid of profile views. It means nothing. There were people out there trying to rack up their numbers of views. I found it so ridiculous. Also I will try to get all the updates posted in this thread on the original post of this thread. Thanks Guys
Profile view are back. Also, blogs are different. You can see who viewed it last, how many views, and more. Stats are Updated.
Hovering over the stats in the bottom of the forum will highlight them. I heard about double-posting prevention being added as well.. Themes have different names. Edit: Oh ya, you have to accept the rules to post. Profile Privacy is available to all. Private chat in the chat box! =D
Full Mini-Proifle on the left on the post is now centered, including the Posts, Location, Join date, and messenger buttons.
darn i just discovered that. I dont know anything else. Question though whats the difference between FH Dark and Light? btw-CnC has been here forever