( CLOSED TOPIC ) Hey, MR FAM0U5 Ninja here, world first to create a ring around sandbox guardians. I wanted to spread my 3 week long working success to the world by submitting my story on bungie.net, but it seems they're though cookies to please with a story. anyone have tips ( or can write one for me ) on making a story about my world first map to make it worthy for Bungie.net front page? ( mind you, I'm probably going over the map to fix some bugs or imperfections. ) thanks!
On bungie.net, I just wanted to be heard. I don't exactly care about recon, but I wanted tips on how to make a better story to post on the front page of Bungie.net. Most people see my success of making a race map around all 6 guardian towers ( of sandbox ) useless, but I saw it as an achievement. took me weeks to make too I'm a nice player, don't exactly like mean people. just wanted to know if anyone cared enough to at least try and help me get it posted http://www.forgehub.com/forum/race-maps/72911-6-tower-stretch-world-first.html there's the map.
Did Bungie even contact you saying you'll be front paged? I'm pretty sure it will be a Q&A, so just answer their questions truthfully, and you will be fine.
All he wants to do is submit a story to the Bungie Blog. He wants it to sound interesting so that they will read it and post it. I'm afraid to say, when the story itself isn't that interesting, there's little you can do to make it sound interesting. Your map is just a big ring of objects around the Sky Bubble... thats it. That's all you can say because that is all it is. Besides, Bungie never promotes maps in the Bnet Blog.
You need to have made an amazing map in order for it to get noticed by Bungie. Your roller coaster is supposed to be a race map, not a challenge map. However, your roller coaster looks very hard and sort of sloppy. You're going to need to try MUCH harder to get THAT much attention. If you're new to mapmaking, be patient and you will be more experienced. I believe that's a lie, my dear friend. Bungie has promoted maps on their blog, just not often.
I actually lost this bungie idea a while ago. and NO - I'm not new to forging. I was just too lazy to interlock that whole thing, this is mainly a closed topic by now. I understand it's not that interesting, and I see your view. I'm still making maps hard every day. I've actually been forging since day 1. Foundry still holds a certain feel to it Sandbox can't... Might be thinking of a new map there too. If you'd like to test my forging skillz send me a message or FR and i'll show you my best map. unbreakable, even on the crane. so to make my point, I see how it's not interesting. just the hype of finishing it world first that I found amazing.
Oh, I definitely don't doubt your forging skills. I just really couldn't tell how muck skill/experience you had. Now go off and make some awesome maps! (that are preferably fun )
Yes, it's happened once or twice... only for special occasions, though. Something extremely unique. A better way to get a map noticed would be to post it here, but IDK if you've already done that or not.