some guy posted this picture on youtube as the gem among many MANY rick rolls . he thinks it is longshore: discuss.
This might be a real early sketch-up bungie made. and the bases look very similar to the valhalla bases. This might have been an early design for valhalla. And if this is real theyed have to make a new boat like vehicle. Which i cant see bungie doing. So this probaly isnt real. Although it looks like in those shallow parts there is like a little landbridge that connects the bases with the far cliffside and center wall. But that might be a little annoying when fighting in the water and accidently jumping into the deep end and dying. But we cant tell for sure until september.
Spartans can Survive underwater. Glitch out of Last Resort (or go far out to the barrier) or glitch our of high ground. I think it could add a real cool element of play - Underwater battles.
Yea that would be awsome and another cool thing they could do is make the prowler useful fo something by making it float on water that would be epic. Having like prowler battles in the ocean. And stuff and have like an actual dday type scenario. But i still dont see bungie doin water kind of stuff in halo, at least of that magnitude that is. EDIT: another thing i never thought about. But i was just looking at that pic again and if that is longshore there could be tunnels that go through those raised parts in the water from the bases throughout the map.
That sketchup map has been around for ages, nearly years. It is an original fan made map and is nothing to do with Longshore! Why do we keep having these threads? We know that Longshore is not a remake! Its a new map!
I think it will be like Relic or Headlong. Both maps have ghosts so we don't really know. Or it might just be a whole new map.
Actually this is not longshore this is something someone made and there have also been counless threads to prove that