Mongbby Mongbby is an obstacle course, but built solely for the mongoose. It's not nearly as long or difficult as my other obstacle course, Obby, but is fun. You should be able to get under 2 minutes on this. This was built quite a while ago, and neatness was not my priority for this. Requirements: 2 people Settings -invulnerable -brute shot primary -infinite ammo Video Guide(I used the beta render, which is why quality is poo) YouTube - Mongbby Download link Mongbby Testers -Mike 286 -F3AR F1SH -SpamRabbit Made by rifte gifle
Nice job! This looks like a fun, one-timer map. I like the video, too. That ending to SKILLZZZZ xD. Nice map.
"was built a while ago, when neatness wasn't a priority." Sandbox hasn't been out long enough to consider something made "a while ago". But on the map, it does seem very simple, as you pointed out. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, just I can't really considr this map something I'd do to fool around. Mongoose obstacle courses aren't my thing, nor are they many others. Maybe build something in more people's best interest.
I realize that, I've already built a large obstacle course on sandbox a while ago, that includes vehicles and foot. I didn't focus very much on neatness where I did not need it, as it wasn't a great priority, I was just focusing on the playability of the map. Could I have merged every single ramp together perfectly? Yes. But did I need to? No. As I said before, and in my post, I've already built a giant one focusing on all aspects, not just mongooses. It's called Obby, and it's in my sig. Also, the "people" is a vague concept. Maybe there are people who don't enjoy obstacle courses that you must do on foot. This is purely for the enjoyment of people who would like to try it.
Judging by your video, I'd say that it would be better if your pathways were widened. There were a couple areas where you almost fell off. And. when you put different barriers in certain parts, you had trouble maneuvering around them.