It could be like a cart so it's semi-enclosed, allowing for grenades too stop camping and for a great sniping position.
Ya, kinda like a shopping cart that would go back and forth. It would be really hard to build though.
Sorry but this project will be a huge OLN hog and building something like gthis will 1) take up too much budget and OLN and 2) will draw attention away from the original map. However I'm sketching it up now and it's going to be tricky to balance the buildings out. If I use walls instead of wall doubles in places I should make the limit for each object my friend.
Yeah, that sounds easy. although I dunno how far mancannons launch a person. They might overshoot someone (however it would be better if they 'undershoot' players so they land on lower levels). I'l probably make a lower-level walkway. It's a shame snadbox has no objects that you can't walk through but you can shoot through (like the fences on Foundry).
Yeah, you can place the mancannons at a lower angle, and aim them for a lower level of the opposite building. If you decide to make a lower-level bridge of some sort, you might want to consider making it a 'skywalk' style affair; a tube with a few windows/gaps in the walls.
I don't know if this is of any importance, but the crypt hole is not the central square. You need to go two squares to the side to get the central square. Anyway, this sounds promising, so keep going!
Fish, if you haven't yet, check out the design of a couple Team Fortress 2 maps. Alot are perfectly symetrical with 2 buildings directly across from each other.
I hope it's off by the direction I hope it is. My map is not off-centre by either a negligible amount or by more than 4 grid squares...
Why are you limiting your resources to walls? Also, you forgot T Walls. You could use stone and wooden bridges, angled blocks, small wedges, etc. Those are only the some of the thin objects. You could use blocks etc. Anyway... For around the 'apartments' , I would have scattered buildings which would mainly be inaccessible. It's a good way to block lines of sight.
I'll use T-walls to make possibly one more storey on each building if I have any other resources left over and it doesn't make it look rubbish. With my forging and the shitty aesthetic look of the sandbox objects it will probably be the latter. However have you ever looked at a block of flats and thought that they looked nice? Also I am not going to concentrate on the looks of the apartments. So if they end up looking like rectangles with holes (like real apartment blocks), so be it. And thanks to the guy who gave the correct numbers for the walls and stuff. Now I have more stuff to work with.
I know but they're not Exact Rectangles wit holes. They've got Balconies, Ventilation systems, Railings, and more Balconies.
Lol, try making all that with only 700 objects However, the apartments will be partially destroyed so there will be many entry points in each.
Sorry to rain on your parade but you only get up to 620-670 or so objects to work with. To completely plan this out, you're going to need alot of time and more importantly, math. Oh and just wondering, will this be just the two apartment buildings boarding action style of will this actually be two whole buildings with windows and elevators and rooms, not to forget the roads and street lamps and what not?
Uuh, I have no idea what Boarding Action is like as I never played Halo 2. I won't be able to include street lights but I may make some crude roads. The buildings are looking to be 5-6 storeys tall realistically. Not that bad IMO. However, I may also work on a project to make one taller, more detailed apartment. Possibly make that the only part of the map (as in make it inescapable). Or make it the choke point of a one-sided map.
How about a bridge betwee the apartments, somewhere in the middle. Like so: ______oooo ______ |//////|oooo|//////| |//////|oooo|//////| |//////_____|//////| |//////|oooo|//////| |//////|oooo|//////| |//////|oooo|//////| EDIT: Fixed mah ASCII tower sketch oooo = empty space ///// = inside of the tower... And then have a power weapon on that bridge. And a sniper on the top of each apartment! (I'm sorry, I didn't want to read through the four pages - this might've been mentioned before)