Ok here is idea to ponder on about. Currently there are item respawn times of NEVER, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180. Now with these item respawn times some pretty amazing switches can already be made. And obviously the more times that there are the more switches possible. How about more Item Respawn times? You could have them in 5's like 5, 10, 15, 20..... or you could possibly even have them in 1's like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..... This could open up a whole new options for making switches. Complex switches that trigger multiple doors in a map. You could have an elevator with more than 2 stories and pick which place you want to go. The possibilities are endless. Some people might say "The reason they don't do that is because it causes laggg and...". But has it been proven to cause lagg? No. Because it hasn't been implemented. I'm not denying that it could cause lagg. I'm just saying there is no proof that it does. So here is were I'm asking for supporters and people who say it will not work to voice WHY it will not work. SUPPORTERS 1. NinKeith 2. meltyourtv 3. Joe is Outside 4. dreaddraco2 5. aMoeba 6. Abandoned Heretic 7. 8. 9. 10. REASON WHY IT ISN'T POSSIBLE 1. 2. 3.
I like what you're saying and I agree, it would be cooler if we had more control of spawn times. But I think you should be able to have longer spawn times, like up to maby 5-6 mins instead of just 3, while keeping the 1-second or 5-second increments. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to spawn things more than 3 mins into a game and couldn't.
I agree, but in the sense that the maximum time should be increased to around 6 or 7 minutes, by 1-minute increments. That would allow a much greater deal of flexibility in regards to timed events. I guess that more times within the current bounds would be useful, but not as useful.
Or they could do something like Up and Down are +10 seconds and -10 Seconds, and Left/Right trigger could be minutes.
The reason they don't do that is because it causes laggg This sounds like a great idea, and I've been wanting the same thing aswell. Like, in one of my puzzle maps, a stage (solves itself) after 3 minutes, which is annoying. Anyway, put me on that list man!
This sounds like a good idea, but nothing will change. Bungie is not going to change Forge. Be happy with what you have. Try using your noggin to do things that are similar. For instance, you can make a lift that spawns 6 minutes in by making a switch type thing. Set fusion coils to never respawn. Set a lift not to start at spawn with a 3 minute respawn time. 3 minutes in, the lift will spawn pushing the fusion coils to explode, destroying the lift. Then, 3 minutes later, the lift will spawn. This is just a vague ide of course.
This is kinda off topic but isn't ODST going to have an updated forge mode? Don't quote me on that, but I heard it somewhere a while ago.