a precise reconstruction of the origional map Guardian made by CowboyPickle23 with help from ANYEHILATER and L94X : 4-8 players Pictures [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] GAMETYPES Oddball Slayer King of the hill Weapons- br-1 SMG-1 shotgun-1 sniper-1 carbine-1 plasma rifle-1 plasma pistol-1 brute shot-1 spiker-2 needler-1 plasma grenades-4 Description- Basically simple. a GUARDIAN REMAKE. The middle is square because i ran out of stuff. i know its stupid to do cause the real one is perfect but it was very fun to make. Plus i want to know if i should keep forging or quit. Click to download Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
This post is not up to forgehub standards. I take it you are new here. I don't have the link handy but im sure someone will post it. I really want to see what this map looks like because guardian was amazing. You have to include at least one Picture.
The link on how to post pictures is in my signature. I hope to see this map because i've seen a guardian remake recently and it wasn't the best...
I just played on it and it's not very good. The forging is sloppy. You should take more time. Also there are no rails anywhere. It took me a miute to figure out where I was. However its a good start. Definitely keep forging because every was not good at one point. We all can improve. Just work more on forging as smooth as you can. The ground is uneven in alot of places.
ok Ill Fix and MAke a V2 but like i said i ran out of stuff and i had to delete the rails but ill do as best i can THx
Next time you might want to use some of the infinite money maps to make this. There are plenty if you search it on bungie.net Anyways, I'm probably not going to download it, but I agree. Keep forging. My first maps were terribly built. I discovered how to merge by myself eventually, but it took a while and I became much better from it. I'm still not perfect, but I have only forged maybe 7 maps by myself start to finish...and I've only had halo for a year. Eventually I started to want to make things really well lined up. Then I wanted to have them merged. Then I wanted suitably-perfect and you'll go on from there. Hope you continue forging and good luck.
I am in the making of a remake of guardian this one might be better than mine though. I need some pics though.
wow alot of people are remaking guardian, im already done mine though its not really a remake its more inspired by still i beleive mine is quite better than this but who am i too judge considering i made the map?. Its in my signature (Guard-it) check it out if you like. I beleive i was the first to make a gaurdian reamke/inspired by aswell.
Looks NOTHING like it, try again. Its pretty terrible even for a first map. Your mancannon doesnt always work either; I've been shot off the map a couple times, its really annoying
actually the lifts work just fine and all the other guardian maps just have parts but this one has every part im not saying its amazing its just that i think its a better remake than the rest because it a full remake. props to all the other guardian maps though they are awsome
Hey can i ask, nice map by the way i think that u could change a few things thou to make it less like guardian because why make a remake of a map we already have?.. but i like it, but can i just ask where did you get the last picture from because is there anymore of them for other maps?
I have never posted a negative comment but this seems like a terrible idea you dont make remakes when you could just go on the real map. THe reason is you could be the god of forge n it wouldnt be as good. If you want to remake a halo map go to choose a map from 1 or 2 thn remake it. Maybe if you do pick a bad map then change it in some way. Sorry youre not terrible at forge but this was an awful idea.
I really don't see the point of a Guardian remake...Is it for people who ONLY have the mythic mappack? I think it's stupid and honestly, a big waste of time.
Idk why, I think it is actually quite funny that you remade this, but don't ask me why. This was pointless, but I probably would've made a remake of a halo 3 map too lol. Also I don't think there are any other guardian remakes besides yours. I think this would be perfect if you actually put a little more time and effort making it more exact, cause right now, only the middle looks like the original. And to everybody else who says it was pointless, stop. Seriously, I didn't know it was such a bad thing to make a halo 3 map. Who cares? I think it is an interesting thing to do, even though you already have the same original map on your game.
Stupid idea it is a pretty stupid idea to remake a halo 3 map on halo 3.. it just doesnt make any sense at all...forging is pretty sloppy but other than that its o.k.
I'm really glad you remade guardian, this is way better then what we already have. Thank you so much, maybe you should remake assembly next. I mean the maps they gave us just arn't good enough and can be remade way better in sandbox.
this is a great try, i started off a guardian remake but it never got finished, also, i think this should be posted possibly under competitive, but i can see why you might have decided to put it in aesthetic. good job, nice try, good idea, 3.8/5