The name keeps me pawndering but the map is amazing! The concept of letting the two teams attack with out touching is a very good one!
This is the best conquest map evar. If you don't think so, you are incorrect. Not only is it a new layout on the original idea, but it incorporates things like a destroyable pallet wall into the gameplay, bringing conquest up to a whole new strategic level. The map s also beautiful too, everything interlocked nicely and Cosmic Rick added a bunch of scenic flare, so this feels as far away from possible as you can get from Foundries green boxes. Everybody needs this map.
Wow, Kapura. Thanks for the praise. I'm not sure I'd give this first place over something like Faction, but it's definitely a good mixer in any conquest playlist. Glad you liked it.
Considering how good this one is, are you going to come out with any other conquest maps in the near future, or maybe a map pack. I can just imagine, Heroic Rick Map Pack, now 8oo microsoft points at your nearest Xbox Live marketplace.
This looks awesome, great job with objects, and I like the diagonal walls. and the pallet wall is really cool too. I can't wait to get my x box back to check it out. and i love your comment about the MS points Brute Captain. I can't wait to drop another 800 into the next map pack... I hope they give us more forging options in them.
i would like to look at the pictures but they are not working ill refresh my page to see if it works and ill edit this post
I don't know why, but Cosmic's pictures never show up on my screen and I need to click the link. Good job on the map though.
Leopard, I don't know if you realized this, but this thread is from 6 months ago. That is called a necropost which brings this topic that is dead to the top of the list. Please make sure that you are posting in a newer thread at all times. Thanks =)