How would I make this?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Garrettastic, May 30, 2009.

  1. Garrettastic

    Garrettastic Ancient
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    I'm trying to create a class system where you only have a limited time to select a class, so that when you spawn in the battlefield, your respawn settings wear off and you can no longer pick up weapons. On top of this, players CANNOT pick up weapons of multiple classes. How should I do this without using a tremendous amount of objects? (Forging on Sandbox)
  2. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    You answered your own question. Just go into "advanced respawn settings" turn weapon pickup to ON, then set how long you'd like that to last. Then go into base player traits and turn weapon pickup to OFF.
  3. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    There was this one map that I had that had a perfect class system. The "Arena" was basically the grifball court in Foundry, and behind the walls he added in the class spawning. He had 4 rooms (I believe) all built beside the scaffolding of the real map's bases. The gravity was set low so you couldn't grenade jump out if you chose a certain class.

    After you jumped in one of the rooms there were weapons. You could pick the weapons up thanks to a custom power up, that instantly spawns beside the spawns, and then once you're readly you could go through the teleporter into battle.

    Cheddar has the right idea with the weapon pickup.
  4. Garrettastic

    Garrettastic Ancient
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    Players will spawn in a lobby and choose their own class. I need to ensure they can't get weapons for multiple classes.
  5. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    You could spawn them in small rooms with a custom powerup on the spawn point, a sender node, and a specific set of equipment/weapons. The custom powerups and weapons/equipment are instant spawn, but the powerup wears off after ten seconds. The sender nodes send players to the battle.

    Set the customs to :
    Weapon pickup - yes
    Duration - Minimum (probably 10s)

    Set player traits to :
    Weapon pickup - no
    Infinite ammo - yes

    Also, set the maximum on map to 8. This allows you to build 8 spawn rooms, 4 for each team, with four classes for each team.

    For class choice, spawn them in a team spawn, with teleports to the class rooms, and trade the spawns in the rooms for recievers. Instead of recievers out of the class rooms, use mancannon one-way doors.
  6. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Try using custom powerups. Allow only a short time for weapon pick up. Then make it so that they are multiple ways to go, but a player must choose one. A way of doing this is with teleporters, but there are many ways. Make sure once their choice is made and executed, they cannot turn back. Check out the map 'The Last Level'.

    An alternative to custom powerups is spawn traits. Set it so that when you spawn you have time to pick up weapons, but when the traits were off you cannot.
  7. Garrettastic

    Garrettastic Ancient
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    Yea I have the gametype settings down, I'm just no good with making structures. Are you saying that players fall into the room of the desired class and then can't jump out?
  8. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Yes. He built rooms with walls and the only way you could get out is by buddy jumping from only ceratin classes. It was really good.
  9. Garrettastic

    Garrettastic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Perfect. Thanks.

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