Well, my good buddy (and co-leader over at the Bnet group The Cutting Edge) JBSpudster and I were downloading and reviewing some maps when we came across a little gem called Respiration. Well, long story short, we thought the basement looked EXACTLY like a strip club. There was even a freakin' pole in the middle of it. Then like lightning from a thundercloud, inspiration struck. And we did the unthinkable. YouTube - Spartan Exposé Link to the Bungie.net Rendered Film Clip (which you should definitely rate/copy to your file share)
I'm dl this map now. Its probably gona get more recognition now that theres this video then it ever was.
Haha this is hilarious! I like the idea of Plasma Pistol shots as money...that was brilliant. The ending could have been funnier though.
Lol, did you get permission from the creator? It's also interesting it's a gameplay focused map, instead of an aesthetically focused one. Sneaky bastard.
This isn't as good as Strip Crypt, but this is still freakin' hilarious xD. Horny guy easter egg much? Ending could've been better, though. I'm subscribing!
Lol, Debo and JB dont need my permission! Sneaky bastard? lol. Debo cant beilieve you made a thread for it lol! Good on you! It is bloody funny and I was so surprised when I saw it on TCE ~ Wanna join? Go here
Well, JBSpudster and I were reviewing his map (he had posted it in our Bnet group's forum) and we immediately thought the basement looked like a strip club, so with a few minutes of Forge magic we crafted the lights, the catwalk, and the bottles of booze (spike grenades on the side "counters").
Nope. The guy did so completely unintentionally, which makes it all the better. As a side note, it hath been Bungie bloggethed. Thanks urk! http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=news&cid=20282