The idea for the map is a good one, but the borging looks pretty sloppy. I would try to clean everything up. For example, the walls underthe moon bridge need to be right up against each other to prevent people from slipping through a crack.
This map is a total mess-no offense but i like your idea though. You NEED to fix almost every single one of your walls if you want the map to have good gameplay and attract people to play it. It seems like a cool idea but if you want downloads you're going to have to fix your map. Overall-2/5-keep working on it
Yes, the forging is very sloppy. The interlocking is quite shabby. Also, if you're going to state that the weapons are the same as the map "Moon Waffle," provide the link please.
Provide the actual weapons list, because there are people who have never played Moon Waffle before. You don't need a link to moon waffle, just give a weapons list. Overall, the map is very messy, I see you've merged some stuff, to make it smoother but the overall aesthetics are fairly low. The rock slide is original, I can see it being used for other maps.
While the idea is great, the map isn't. I'm going to be perfectly honest here, this is an example of why interlocking is a good thing. Large portions of this map are sloppily put together, providing plenty of cracks that would eat grenades and hinder players. One particular example is the screenshot of the 'Moon Bridge'; there are multiple large gaps, some of which look large enough for players to move through them. Admittedly, gameplay is more important than aesthetics, but in a competitive map, flaws like that can seriously hinder gameplay. Also, a weapon list would be nice. 2.5/5
the concept of the maps seems alright, and you used interlocking, which is better than not, but your interlocking is sloppy, you have several pieces merged together almost completely for filling small gaps that could be fixed by just re-arranging the pieces. you also seem to have several pieces that you would have to jump to get ontop of when they are only one wall width high, and not worth jumping. 2/5, fix the interlocking and ill rate it better
The map has a good idea, like moon waffle, but the name sun pancake just sounds way more epic than moon waffle, i dunno, it just appeals to me. But, the map has some pretty poor forging, you definetly need to do some touching up around "sun cliff". Also, you may want to include an overview of the map. sorry, 2/5