Yeah, Security and the Katana started glitching a lot a few months back. I've got the Katana, etc. yet I am still missing Two for One. Just enjoy it, because chances are that it will disappear at some point.
Nope, I got it at 950G. You may lose it, I didn't, but I did lose my security shoulders for some time and then randomly got it back. My friend got 1000G for halo, didn't get katana. He then got the Headshot Honcho achievement, and suddenly got katana. It's a very weird body piece...
that happenend to me with security shoulders. i was doing campaign on heroic cos thats how you get it and when i finished i got security but hadnt completed the whole cmpaign on it. i came back 1 minute later and it was gone and then came bac. weird.
Its not a glitch at all. In order to obtain the katana, you simply need to unlock the forty-nine original achievements that first launched when Halo 3 hit retail. Getting 1,000 gamerscore is an urban myth, because many assume that it pertains to all achievements to date. However, it is true that if you get all the original achievements alone, you'll end up with 1,000 gamerscore.
Of course it's a glitch. Happened to 2 of my friends. Well If it's hard for you to get achievements hold on to it as long as you can cuz it will disapeear.
Orly? Problem solved then. A mod should lock this thread then... this thread is gonna get spammed, there's no more answers to this problem.
something like this happens to me, I have spartan officer, but no rogue [even though I think rogue is ugly]
You need 750GS to get security shoulders... And rogue looks pretty cool, if you have good colors and lighting. And only if you have good colors and lighting.
It's not just the katana. All armor permutations seemed to be glitched, i.e. gaining or losing them when you should not have. Yes, it is a glitch. To clear some things up, you can get the katana without all 49 original achievements if you have 1000g.