Grifball - on steroids, minus the host advantage and the lack of fun I N F O R M A T I O NAbove is the title that bruteball was tagged with early on, when it was a classic among my group way back in fall 2008. It was played on the popular dome template for Foundry back then. Now it's back and more chaotic than ever. It was inspired somewhat by Vicious Vice's minigame, Viceball, but equipment now plays a role, and the objective is no longer a bomb, but an oddball. Teams spawn with overshields and brute shots. The ball is way up high, above the arena, and there are grav lifts in the form of a diamond to access it. M A P | D E T A I L S 4 grav lifts in the form of a diamond in the middle of the arena. Teams spawn on opposite sides of the Crypt. Up to 4 teams can play, and additional teams spawn on the sides. Spawn sides do not lock like in Grifball, which means action circulates throughout the arena. Regenerator (30s respawn) and grav lift (10s respawn) equipment are available in each corner of the Crypt. No filters on map. G A M E T Y P E | D E T A I L S 2x overshield and brute shots for average player. Ball carrier has one additional overshield, but does not regain health, even in a regenerator. Auto-pickup on oddball to discourage dropping the ball to regain health. 1 hit oddball kill, and 10% shield vampirism for oddball carrier. No radar for anyone. M A P | P A N O R A M A S Yes, these are all panoramas. D O W N L O A D | L I N K SGametype - Bruteball Map - Bruteball Court
This looks pretty fun. I was never a big fan of Grifball, just because there wasn't anything unique to it. This actually does look unique and fun. Hmmm, gives me a new idea for a mini game map, with your permission of course. If you allow me that, I will acknowledge you, for inspiration.
This looks epic. You took a mediocre game and made it good, well done! This is certainly going to be high on my list of DLs when my 360 gets back from repairs.
Thanks guys. I'm considering adding one minor twist: Consider the Crypt divided into four equal boxes. In the center of each of these boxes is where I lay a magnum, set at 45 second respawn with 1 spare clip. It'd be used to finish off weak ball carriers and as a rare precision weapon. Thoughts? (Note: the 'boxes' wouldn't actually be there, I'm just pointing out where the magnums would be.)
Well I took a crack at this one and I must say it is very fun. The only problem I had was to grab the oddball someone had to grab one of the 4 lifts in the corners and deploy it in the center. The 4 pre-placed lifts got us close to the ball, but we couldn't grab it. Is it supposed to be this way or am I just stupid? =]