HEy this is my new halo map I dont know how to add pixs but if you follow this link Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details there is the map and pics of it! I am a very serious forger so this map isnt just thrown together, it took me 14 hours to build and it was designed for FFA, One Bomb assault, a 2 flag CTF. If you are the type of person who thinks outside the box then when you play this map you will find TONS of ways to go upward, the map has a lot of multilevel to it but yet the map doesnt feel crowded, ENJOY [/URL
Welcome to forgehub you need pics or else this thread will be locked go to halocreenshots.net and type in your gamer tag then go to the code that says Forgehub and copy/paste it into your description
thanks yeahh i tried what u said but the site was going to slow so i just pasted them in from bungie.net
DUDE finally someone who knows who THEY ARE!! yeah its my gamertag and the first two ONE's are actually I's since you cant start a user name with numbers, I used I's. Just because were addicted to the same artists I think we shud be xbl buds!
well if you are good at halo ill play with you, but if you are terrible ill still be your friend and all but i probly wont wanna play with you. so add Qweezy Steezy and i'll play with you. but im not on that often. I usually play with another friend of mine but we'll let you join in. hopefully your good!
This map looks pretty good, but I really lack the ability to see how this took you 14 hours. If you could share more photos too of a n area that is mindblowing, then that would be very helpful too. In some areas, you could add crates or dumpsters to get acess to the first floor, but this is all up to you. You could also add in some BRs and plasma nades too
Agreed. 14 hours looks like one big ass exaggeration to me. (relax mods, I like the map) but you have a nice layout flowing. Almost like a lot of the original foundry layout, but with some tweeks and an extra level. Looks like it might play alright for FFA, and I'm glad you outfitted it to multiple gametypes.
Sorry Yeah this one didnt take me 14 hours, it took me 8, Im sorry about that, I forgot that it was my map prophecy that took that ammount of time! Anyways still try it and none of it is the original foundry I took EVERY item in the room and put it in a corner and started all over from scratch. Ya I miss wrote how long it took and I dont blame you if you call me an A** for lying SORRY again Hey how do u upload a video of a map to this website/
Its a nice first post but I fail to see how this map could have taken you 14 hours, even 8 hours. Thee is not one piece of interlocking and you must have been sitting in forge thinking of ideas for this map to have taken 8 hours. Sorry, I do not like people who exaggerate and lie.
It looks like you like t forge and are serious about it but you should learn some of the fundamental basics. I see no interlocking here. or geomerging for that matter. Not always neccesary but it could help make this map much better. They have a section of forums called forging 101 and they have lessons on how to do things like that. You should check it out.! good work. hope to see more of you forging accomplishments!
Hey yeah it did take me 8 hrs. this is my first map ever and I didnt kno what I was doing plus I'm a perfectionist on making things look perfessional and not sloppy, since this map I have created others and Ive just recently hav learned how to merge objects on my newest map Stronghold Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details this is my 6th map and it took me 5 hours to build. I love criticism on my maps cuz it only helps me give to the community better
I personally don't see anything appealing to me on this map. It doesn't look good aesthetically, and to me it has a poor layout. As for weapons, a list would be nice. 2/5 and more pics are definitely needed.