I saw Marshyd13 in a game of living dead on halo 3, he quit early so i said he was a *** because he quit early, without thinking i had forgotten he was the BIGGEST loser on youtube who over reacts to anything anybody say's because he has some problems.... that he cant deal with. enjoy comment rate but most of all realise marshyd13 is a ****** YouTube - The Halo 3 ***'s MarshyD13 and Spartan Jay 117 enjoy and rate
First of all, it's called the F@G. The Federation of Asshole Gamers. I'm a pround member. I do agree, though, that Marshy is out of control.
i was calling them fags in the title but at the end i have the message F@G's FTW show my support against marshyd13 who is really just an ass who isnt good at argueing all he does is try to talk over you wich makes him seem like a little child trying to get something he wants, question are you la supporter of F@G or a member as in your in the fun games videos or anything like that? also feel free to post your Marsyd13 vids of him acting like a loser you may post them on this thread, i will be continueing to find out why he is so "angry" to put it politly if you have any more of these types of videos feel free to add them to this thread especially if they enclude spartan jay 117 or marshyd13
They are quite fags. Their the type of people I would punch in the face and nothing of it. Berk, please do not double post...just edit your last one.