Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Schmii...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tex, May 30, 2009.

  1. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Neurosky is a company which has been working on the ability to read the human brain, translate what it is thinking, and integrate it into something useful. They've been working for nearly a decade now, and what they've come up with is something remarkable.

    They may not have the best graphics on the games they have created, but I think it's safe to say, graphics don't ****ing matter just yet. They've been trying their damnedest to release a game which players can literally use no movement, and they're nearing completion. You can literally pre-order (Grif, this comment's for you) your first piece of equipment this very day. It's somewhere around $199 for the headset, and I get lost, because I saw something cost $9,000... (they had little info on the $9000 piece (I did not look too hard))

    This is the next step, and it's literally less then a month away.
  2. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    So they go from full-body movement to no movement whatsoever?

    If it costs over $9000 (lol OVER 9000!!!), who would buy it?
  3. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Nintendo and Neurosky are in no relation.

    Neurosky would rape Nintendo if they hit big.

    Also, I believe the marketable product is $199. Same as an xbox 360 n **** nowadays, correct?
  4. TheDom

    TheDom Ancient
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    Surely to play well on this console you'd have to have insane concentration?
  5. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    How hard is it to concentrate while playing a game of Halo, CoD, or even Banjo Kazooie? I personally have a harder time concentrating on the outside world, while playing a video game.
  6. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    In my opinion, it is a cool idea, but I think we are going further and further away from gaming. Motion Sensing Controls, in my opinion, have ruined many expectations for gaming, making it more casual. Now, that is do to things such as the WiiFit, but will this be more far off? The reason I say this, is because gimmicks attract gimmick. Do you see yourself playing a game like Halo with your mind? Would you really want to? I personally don't, and don't see it happening either. I can go into more detail, but it is late so I will with hold. So, what kind of games would you play? Well, games that basically revolve around thought for starters. Let me put it in these terms though.

    Move Forward
    Move Forward

    or you can just do such subconciously with a controller. I know, limited view, but this does go off of defined brain waves. Getting distracted with idle chat from a friend will actually screw up "your game". This will require focus, and therefore, resulting games would be the kind that require brain thought.
  7. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Further from hands on gaming, yes, but without the words "hands on" your statement makes little sense... Unless you can elaborate that statement more for me...

    Have you never pictured yourself, preparing to game, putting on a visor, and a body suit? Going into virtual reality, transmitting to the game what you would like to play at the time, going into said game, and then freely decided what actions to take? Then, while playing, actually feel small pricks which would assure you that you've been shot in the kidney, the right arm, the left leg, etc?

    I've been waiting for virtual reality for years, and one day, I will be fighting along side Leonidas, Ganges Khan, and many, many others.

    Same here.

    Sure, that's how it would appear things may work now, but in 5 years, where do you honestly think transitions will be? Just think man, we're about to be done with the xbox 360, ps3, wii, and move on to a system where we won't even have to drive to Best Buy to buy our games.

    Well said, don't quite have a rebuttal to that, but like I said, times are a changing, and I'm sure those folks down at neurosky are working on it.
  8. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    That may be true, but XBox will still rape Neurosky when it all comes down to it.

    Ontopic: This is truely remarkable. It's amazing how far we've come. I wasn't expecting stuff like this until 2020!
  9. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Only because xbox = Microsoft, one of the biggest corporations in the world... All they'll do is slap a different name on the product Neurosky releases, with a few small alterations...
  10. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    offtopic: by 2050 i read that they'll have a whole virtual world that is just like ours and the ai's have "real" intelligence just like humans and can do anything we do in any way of motion(basically a perfect virtual universe).

    ontopic: I'd love to play some halo or cod 5 and control it with my mind! I've always loved those arcade games where you duck for cover and stuff, so this is like the ultimate gaming experience probably.
  11. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    just imagine a MMO like this,imagine a graphic designer so you can make EXACTLY what you want in seconds. If these can make 1 good game like this,they will make millions,and if they make more they'll have more money then bill gates. (speaking of I wonder how much all this costs?)
  12. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    $199.99...for the umpteenth time.
  13. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Hold on a second, is this a console or a video game we are talking about? At first I thought it was a console, but then you said we wouldn't have to go to Best Buy anymore to buy our video games. But how would a single console stop us from having to go out and buy our video games? Are you saying the console would give us access to video games through internet connection? Or will the console be a single video game that allows us to do whatever our minds conjure up? I have always dreamed of a system as such, but I don't think something like this could just release in a month. I don't see us having the technology to do this until 2020 at least. Besides, would you be sitting on your couch wearing a giant helmet on your head? Systems like the Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3 are so amazing because they involve movement. If a game didn't require the slightest of exercise how sore would you be after playing a couple hours on this new console? Would it be like sleeping, or would you have your eyes open while playing?

    The main point here is, will this console still require the use of a television? By the way, whether or not anybody purchases this will depend on how well it works, and what the graphics are like for this game. I swear that if I have to use my mind to control pacman around a bunch of walls... If this console does what I think it does, couldn't I just hop over the wall? Would the game's still have barriers? There have been so many times when I have been playing Halo 3 and wondered... Why can't I just climb over this wall?
  14. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    a poster saying "video games! why waste good technology on healthcare?" springs to mind
    i think the software has a better use in medicine first...
  15. natu

    natu Ancient
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    Wait it's a new console?
  16. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    OK you wouldn't have to concentrate to hard. On the site it says that, and I quote:
    Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology comes from monitoring the electric pulses emmitted by neurons firing in the brain. Our sensor records these neural signals, inputting them into our ThinkGear chip. Next, “noise” (anything that interferes with a clear message) is filtered out and discarded. The signals are amplified and processed by our patented algorithms—outputting succinct messages to the device with which the user is interfacing.

    It is not a new console, simply an accessory to be utilized with an existing device. It allow you to send direct commands to the device. The specs for an existing demo game on computer doesn't look that bad either:
    (*1 System requirements: Windows Vista (preferred), 2.0 GHz Core 2 Duo or Equivalent Processor, 256MB 3D Graphics Card for Games and Demonstrations, 1GB Memory, DirectX 10. )

    Would have posted more but i can't be stuffed.
  17. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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  18. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    This was in the news ages ago.

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