Tower of Power/ City

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by fedraltag, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. fedraltag

    fedraltag Ancient
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    Tower of Power
    Created by Federaltag
    Supported Gametypes:
    CTF, Team slayer, Swat, King of the TOWER(Hill), Terrortories

    KING of the Hill is insane. The marker is in the Power Tower.

    Map Description
    This map is my all time high. I stayed up all night making it by myself. First I started with vault and was just going to make a vault but then ideas started flowing into my head. There is a tower in the middle of the city. Control the tower and you control the city. The vault can only be broken into by a warthog which is hidden in the ceiling. to get down you have to shoot grav lift. (Might have to hit it 1 or 2 times) Once inside vault there is a energy sword to kill anyone coming in after you. Once inside vault there is a secret door that can only be opened by grav lift. there is a grav lift in corner by entrance. One door is open get in and out and either grab the gravity hammer or the machine gun turret(hint: need to break off) Outside of bank is a balcony for a sniper. Must use barrels as cover. There is only one rocket launcher in map which you have to use skilled jumping to get to on the opposite side of map away from bank. Not high. In the tower are battle rifles. If you can successfully get the sword and get up there, then no one is comin up.
    View of tower
    Side view of map
    Window view from bank
    Accessible Warthog
    Inside of vault
    Hidden Warthog (only way into vault)
    hidden door in corner
    Ghost Platform
    Door from inside vault
    Clock Tower
    Brake into vault
    Bottom of Tower
    Outside of bank vault
    Balcony and front of bank
    This was hard work and my 3rd map in about 2 1/2 days. Please leave comments and tell me how you like it
    Tower of Power
  2. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    Re: Tower of Power

    this map is really....i have to say original since i haven't seen anything like it. it looks wonderful :D
  3. fedraltag

    fedraltag Ancient
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    Thanks but I do have conflict if weather this is Aesthetic or Competitive
  4. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    Looks like it has potential, but rather than competitive or aesthetic, I'd go for casual.
  5. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    I like the map, the tower looks really amazing. I think its safe to say the best looking tower of power map so far.

    I agree, this map should go in the casual maps section, mostly because you will get more views. The number of competitive maps since foundry has arrived is overwhelming.
  6. fedraltag

    fedraltag Ancient
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    Can someone move this over to casual maps for me? Im still new to this forum deal. ( Spend most of my life forgin around)
  7. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    This map looks pretty interesting. I'd DL, but Bungie cancels every file I've tried to get off their forums the past few days. Heck... I'll try anyway.
  8. The Sir Toppum Hat

    Senior Member

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    Looks like a good map. I haven’t seen any thing like it
    I wouldn’t move it to anywhere different; I found it so others will to
    Even though it looks like a good map I’m not going to download it. It’s not that your Map isn't good it’s just that I don’t download other people’s maps.
    Good job I give it a 9/10
  9. mrod009

    mrod009 Ancient
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    how did u make that custom powerup purple?
  10. whitelime

    whitelime Ancient
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    to make it purple just put a red and blue power up in the same weapon holder, but i realy like the look of the map it seems very nicely done i also like that you have made the only way into the bank is to use a vehicle. i also think that this would make a very good one bomb assult style map. break into the bank and plant the bomb, or take the bomb from the bank and destroy the tower but if you decide to do that then i would make the carrier alot slower. i like the use of a clock tower have not seen one of them before.
  11. x a nade x

    x a nade x Ancient
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    i agree an assault gametype would be perfect for this map. By the way great job nice interlocking on the tower.
    I downloaded

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    i cant get the warthog in the bank down
  13. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    dude this map is sick.i love the both the spots in the middle and how u interlocked them
  14. fedraltag

    fedraltag Ancient
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    I making a bigger, badder, and faster paced map of this and in it
    I will definitely include an assault gametype. Maybe assault the towerS
  15. General Meaty

    General Meaty Ancient
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    i like this map, i wouldn't say it's Tower of Power, just because it has so many different and unique qualities to the map.
  16. fedraltag

    fedraltag Ancient
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    I couldn't think of a better name and when me and my friends were playing a lot of the action went on around the tower. i could have called it Times Square

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