What perks do you think should be added for cod: mw2? I personally think there should be a "monkey" perk which allows you to jump higher and climb up trees and other objects (like a pole, then you can jump to a roof). Imagine the sniping spots... post your ideas...
I know it might be a waste, but I think something like a ghillie suit/snow camo suit in perk one would be bad ass. I wish more than just snipers had them in CoD4
Im pretty sure there is a perk that puts a ghilly suit on. And theres also a perk that allows you to have a silencer and a red dot site on at the same time. Which is exactly what i wanted. I love you infinity ward, although they better add snow camo for guns.
So a perk that allows you to have multiple weapon attachments? I can have a rifle grenade and a scope!!
I think it would just be SOPMOD mode (unless it has a grenade launcher). But yeah if it works like you hope it would be pretty unbalanced. Another perk could be an ability to dual wield pistols (except the Desert eagle). How sick would that be?
Not sure what else they could add but I'll make up some 1. Jordans - can jump 25% higher 2. Thermal vision - Night vision is replaced with this 3. Faster Strikes - Can decide which way airstrikes attack and it occurs faster 4. Riot Sheild - What it implies 5. Mini gun - what it implies And if snow mobiles are in MP - 1. Multi Tasker - Can use primary weapon while driving (Like instead of pistol, but who knows what this will be like) 2. Nitrous - Mobiles go faster
lol miniguns... thats like a flamethrower perk x50! maybe if you walked slow and in third person kind of like halo 3 it wouldn't be so bad...
I thought the Nitrous perk would make you babble random philosophical nonsense. Let's make a Theta perk while we're at it. lol
Thermal scan - Replaces UAV scan, lol. Exactly the same as UAV, except thermal. Carpet bombing - Replaces air strike. Longer, but less powerful than the air strike. C-130 close air support - Replaces helicopter. Does more damage, but doesn't last as long as the helicopter. I was thinking the C-130 would replace air strike, but that would be like artillery from COD5.
Quick reflexes - Turn faster while aiming down the sights, not at the hip (unlocks at level 40) Machete - Extends knifing range (unlocks at first prestige) Armored air - helicopters replaced with gunships (unlocks at 10th prestige) Precision Bombing - Auto places air strikes where most enemies reside, but requires activation with right on the d-pad (unlocks at 3rd prestige)
egad, your perks are terribly unbalanced if they were implemented, they would be chosen over any other existing perk for srs, you need to calm it down... blue perkz: throwing knives x3 - replaces frags, insta kill, thrown for a maximum of 30m, silent yellow perkz: advanced explosives - improves effectiveness of claymores and trap explosives and allows placement of c4 underwater, claymores on walls and ceilings and using grenades in conjuction with claymores