Sandbox Sand Volcano

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Jelly I3elly, May 29, 2009.

  1. Jelly I3elly

    Jelly I3elly Ancient
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    Sand Volcano: created by Jelly I3elly
    This map is centered around an active volcano. On both sides there is two bases in which each team spawns. For the gametype and slayer gametype will do, especially Slayer BRs.

    8x Battle Rifle
    2x Assault Rifle
    2x Sniper Rifle
    4x Covenant Carbine
    4x Needler
    1x Rocket Launcher
    1x Spartan Laser
    2x Brute Shot
    2x Mauler
    2x Shotgun
    4x Spiker

    1x Grav Lift
    1x Regenerator
    1x Power Drain
    1x Bubble Shield
    1x Overshields (Respawn 180)
    1x Active Camo (Respawn 180)
    4x Frag Grenade
    12x Plasma Grenade

    2x Mongoose
    2x Warthog

    Well without Further Delay, heres the pics

    General Overview

    The Volcano

    The base that is exactly the same on each side

    The Sniper Spawn

    Active Camo Spawn

    Overshields Spawn

    Warthog Spawn

    Heres the link for the map: : Halo 3 File Details

    Please Rate/Comment.......thanks for viewing!!!
  2. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    I have a couple of queries about the map; firstly can you get inside the volcano? What is its purpose is it purely aesthetics (if so there is nothing wrong with this); Secondly you should set up the map for more than one gametype to give it depth and variablility (sp?). I can see how team br's would work well though! Nice map!
  3. Jelly I3elly

    Jelly I3elly Ancient
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    no sorry u cannot get inside the volcano...its mainly for aestetics....but im already thinking of a sand volcano v2 in which u can interact more with the volcano, even a tunnel through it
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I think you should have the volcano big enough so you can actually get inside it, but keep the kill ball in it to act like lava, and also the explosions, they're very original, I've never seen them used in this way. The overall aesthetics of the map are fair, and props for not going crazy with the weapons.
  5. Hey Its Landon

    Hey Its Landon Ancient
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    The map actually looks really cool. I'm guessing you used fusion coils to make the volcano, right? The bases on each side look fairly well. The only thing I would suggest is that you put a little more cover around the bases cause it seems a little "open". but.. thats only my opinion, no one likes to take little old Landon's opinion, haaha. Good map, its very creative
  6. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Looks very cool. Love the Volcano ;D

    But there are a few things. Instead of making a tunnel through the volcano (which would ruin the whole "volcanoe" theme, why not let people walk around the edges of it? Create what would be a pathway around the volcano. I think it would be better then tunneling through it.

    And more cover in some areas would be very nice, mainly the areas in between Base and volcano.
  7. Runic Aries

    Runic Aries Ancient
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    I think adding some more cover would definatly help this map. its true that you have a giant centerpiece that obstructs one view of the base from the other, but when you go around the sides of it you are almost completely exposed as the only cover on the sides are the stone platform-objects. It makes it look as if the warthog will have free roam of this map. 3/5 for now, fix the cover issue and ill definatly bump it up
  8. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    Ok. So the map is an average map. It has two bases, one center structure, and a couple of extremely small asthetic structure thingys. This, meaning no offense, is getting very old. Yes it isn't like another map but it is the same basic thing. However this will not effect my judging.

    First of the volcano. What is it's purpose? If it doesn't have one then I would have to give you a 3/5 for that and that's being generous. My reason: if it doesn't have a gameplay reason besides blocking a direct line of fire from one base to another then it's asthetic should be amazing considering it is its only purpose. The mini structures: if you're going to make structures then make bigger ones then that. Make it something someone can say "Wow I've never seen ANYTHING like that!". That's what you and everyone should be aiming for when forging.

    The unique-ness factor: 1/5
    The neat-ness factor: 4/5
    The asthetics factor: 2/5 (been done better before)
    The overall grade: 7/15

    EDIT: And having two blue lights and not one red and one blue makes it confusing for all on the map. Color-coding bases will make it easier.
    #8 Aaronator, May 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 30, 2009
  9. da wite njnja22

    da wite njnja22 Ancient
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    This map looks decent, but its almost the exact same as my friends map Ash. An personally i think he did a much better job. It could be good for team slayer, but its much to open. 7/10 is the best ill give you.

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