This is the v2 of Arhcitype. Changes from the original: --Interlock Regen Towers, --Added Equipment (Regen X2, Grav Lift X2.) --Added Reg. Hornets in place of the Banshees (Transport Hornets are still there) --In terms of armor, The turrets have been weakened --Sniper Tower added --Armored Turret does not respawn after being destroyed Architype is a Larger map for 6-12 players. Weapons List: Carbine X2 Sentinel Beam X2 Spiker X4 Brute Shot X2 Missle Pod X1 Vehicle List: Transport Hornet X2 Hornet X2 The Map Blue Base (Red Base is exactly the same) Missle Pod Spawn Sniper Tower (Provides excellent view of both bases!) Center Armored but destructible turret + Misplaced 'Nade = OWNED! New regenerator tower (Now interlocked slightly) Banshee have been replaced Well that is Architype V2 and Have Fun!
This map looks quite good from the screenshots but your weapon list is all wrong. It's good you having a missile pod to cancel out the vehicles but seriously are the banshees and hornets really needed? It looks nice but those just ruin it but i will find out in gameplay until then its ok! One more point it looks as if there is minimal interlocking if any and this really helps on the presentation of the map and its smoothness and flow during gameplay!
Well it looks very ... big cant really tell much about the map from the 2-3 overview shots it looks generally well forged all though there are portions of the map i cant see and i do see a couple crooked walls and areas that NEED to be interlocked for a map this size id probably reccomend adding more then just 4 weapons and a missile pod... the armored turret might be overpowered its hard to tell, but it seems to me the chances of actually getting close enough to get a decent shot with a grenade or brute shot is slim and that you'd have a hard time killing it.(although because of its placement this might come out to be a minor problem hard to tell from the pics) On top of this while the 4 aerial vehicles might help compensate for the lack of weapons i strongly reccomend you limit your self to only 2 (id probably go with one and add alot of weapons but thats me) of them or else they will monopolize the gameplay. good layout if a bit confusing just touch up a few place and tweak the weapons and vehicles and you could have a very solid map. 3.5/5
Thanks for the advice, Should i get rid of the Banshees and switch the Trans Hornets to Regular hornets? and the Armored turret actually doesn't have a very big range in terms of aiming. the barricades provide a cool first-person perspective while using the turret,
The map actually looks good for FFA, but putting vehicles in doesn't feel right. You only have 2 brute shotz, 2 carbines, and 1 missile pod??? that seems like a small weapon selection. From the pictures it seems like a lot goes on in the map and seems fit for a few people. you should try and add a description of your map to let others know what its all about. Overall, the map looks fun and im gunna download. Keep making maps and you'll come out with even better looking maps
Looks amazing. But your weapon list like the posters above isnt the best. Ide go with: 6+ BRs 2+ SMGs 2 Carbines 4 Bruteshots 1 Rocket/Laser 1-2 Snipers 2 plasma pistol 2 Flying vehicles (either banshee or transport hornet, either would work well) 1 missle pod. This is probably the biggest map ive seen in the skybox. And i like the multiple paths you have made to get to teh center.