there was a mod i saw just today where a person made a racetrack of Last Resort Wheels. VERY cool. i havent gotten my hands on that one either. but lets not get off topic. mods will never be accepted here. /thread.
Lock thread please? Mods are against Microsoft's Game Content Usage Rules, they're banned from fileshares and Bungie discourages them. If you want mods that badly, go and buy Halo Custom Edition or wait until Halo 3 Vista
correction... theres one other mod Id gladly accept... Plasma Rifle Starts. Ive seen people with flame thrower starts and Spiker starts, so i know its possible to make the gametype... just curious as to why no ones done it yet.
The answer would simply be no. However much I would like to see the amazing stuff forgehub could pump out, modding is against Xbox Live's code of conduct, and is punishable by ban. I have tried to do something like this on, and got a response from Achronos saying that even though this was a great idea, it was still against the rules.
Modding Xbox games like Halo, Most definitly not. All people make are mods that help them to win. It'll never, and should never happen. Besides, there ore only a handfull people who are looking into modding to the extent you saw in Halo 2 and they aren't talking. The section would die after about a week. Modding in Halo CE or Halo 2 on the PC on the other hand, heck yeah. That is actually enjoyable and condoned by Bungie as well as fun. I frequent and it's amazing the stuff some of those guys pull off. Granted, it is ForgeHub.
Mods most of the time are stupid and non-sense. But I think bungie could allow soft mods like Carbine start or Plasma Rifle start.
This guy. Halo modding, as I said, is dying, and so is HaloMods. Publicity is great, but Halo 3 modding is not developed enough to have a long life span. Halo 1 and Halo 2 modding are practically dead; nothing new has been done in a LONG time. 2004 was probably the best year for Halo 1 modding. I'm not sure about Halo 2. I can honestly never see myself modding Halo again. It's gotten old, lived past its prime. It's too bad so many people think that modding is always poorly done or used maliciously. Check out ExileLord's "Why We Mod" video; it'll show you some of the amazing things that were done in Halo 2. YouTube - Halo 2: Why We Mod
I say no to this, because Forge Hub is a highly respected community by Bungie and if you want to ruin this respect by placing content in here that causes members to be banned from Xbox Live, then you're in the wrong place buddy. Besides, the second we would post our modded content on here, it would be linked to your file share right? Doesn't Bungie ban people with modded content in their file share?
Obviously you didn't read my last post, It said that if bungie ALLOWED it should it be added? I know that is what is for but still just a section, as for how they would make money off it, It would require buying another disk or a liscense of of marketplace that without you can't use the content, if you "hacked" the liscense, you would light up like a stun grenade. Yet again my point was HYPOTHETICALLY should bungie and forgehuballow mods? Which nobody here has given a direct answer with a real supporting argument. just "no they shouldn't soesn't suffice and is considered spamming.(Vorpal Saint)
Well I hate mods, except for the ones that allow us to use Carbines or Plasma rifles for starting weapons. Everything is a no-no. Forgehub shouldn't allow mods on Forgehub because Bungie discourage them. If we had them then Bungie would not have the respect they have for us now and refuse to advertise us like they do.
Well for one, this is Forge Hub, not Mod Hub. Second, Vorpal Saint makes a fine point. Mods are spam, because downloading mods is illegal in Bungie's mind, and anybody willing to place modded content into their file share would instantly be banned by Bungie, thus stopping the flow of downloads on said map. There is no way Bungie would ever allow mods, and that is the same with Forge Hub. When you mod, you tamper with what was placed there by Bungie. If they wanted you to mod, they would have given you the hardware necessary with the game disk. By the way, I did not read your last post, because I don't feel the need to spend minutes of my life skimming through your thread's pages.
Lol you are FUNNNY!! First off modded maps are already in matchmaking, "sandtarp" is a modded map, and they should allow it, anyway modding requires a development kit. Which obviously as we all know, a cheap one costs well over $1,000 so even if they did want us modding the "disk" you are speaking of would be bigger than a record and have about 3 xbox's worth of hardware strapped onto the disk. That would weigh over 30 pounds, as compared to a disk weighing a few ounces. AND would cost about $1,150. BTW how is a mod spam? Seems here even some of the moderators don't know what spam is. Here is a definition from < not advertisement, proof of source. spam: a disruptive, especially commercial message posted on a computer network or sent as e-mail. commercial message meaning something like <ape man 117> lolololololololol lol, " no need to spend minutes of my life skimming through the post learnuing what has already been addressed and therefore not bringing it up and making myself look incompetent. Like i said YOU ARE FUNNY! <ape man 117> lolololololololol <ape man 117> lolololololololol <ape man 117> lolololololololol multiple messages to EVERYONE possible that have absolutely nothing to do with the current subject. Correct me if you think my definition is not correct.
@ Ape: You're not quite understanding Conker's logic. When you post something to your fileshare thats modded, you get banned. Your post on Forgehub that links to a banned GT is then nullified, because (getting this logic from what Conker is saying) no one can then download your content from your GT. Your thread, being nullified by lack of ability to download, then becomes spam because it advertises something you can't obtain. As for modding: I think it would be cool if Bungie allowed it. I used to mod Command and Conquer games for a long time. I used to burn my retinas off staring at code, adding things into the game to make it more fun. But they don't. Microsoft won't support it so naturally Bungie won't support it. And I don't consider the maps that Bungie altered and then put into match making mods. They made the damn things, they just put out an updated version for matchmaking.
I didn't even know mods were allowed. I personally don't agree. Your not supposed to share modded maps. Just keep them to yourself.
i hate MOST mods. i lie the one on stand off where they cloned tons on spartans, eliets, and oricles though. i use this one for sniping because there are some on the back wall (the wall with the gate and the only raised silo.) i stand next to the cliff and see if i can shoot all of them in a certain time. any way, no forgehub is about forging not super-mods. plus bungie could close forgehub down if they wanted to, because they're harboring mods for gamers.
It's true. was shut down very quickly wasn't it? It's not like they're still around. I wish we could mod. I would love to have a HUD mod like this one.