Hey I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for Saw traps for Halo 3 as I am making a Saw film using Halo 3 and I can't think of any ideas. If anyone designs one i will credit them in the movie.
The Camo Dumpster Trap Here's a little trap I like to play on my friends: Basically you use a dumpster, held back by a camo to splatter whoever grabs the camo. To do this: 1) Spawn a wall 2) Spawn a sign, against this wall 3) Spawn a dumpster with the width on the sign 4) Spawn 3 window panels, and place them on top and on both lengths of the dumpster 5) Spawn a camo, and put it infront of the dumpster 6) Make the sign spawn in 180 secs and place at start no 7) Put a manconnon against the wall in the next round 8) Make the sign spawn 9) The sign and mancannon should be interlocked, this will make the trap work when you grab the camo. By the way, you sometines survive, but for some strange reason when you walk into the dumpster afterwards you die lol. EDIT - That was on Foundry, I don't have mythic. You could use one of the custom powerup switches to make something splatter them There are many vids on youtube on how to do this, I've never successfully made one however.
hey i've made plenty of traps on Foundry. you don't want to do it on sandbox realy because there aren't many human pieces on it. plus foundry looks like the saw factory. TRAP#1 the splater hall. to make this you need to make a double wall, then a sign, then another double wall(all in a row). Now make a few signs that are horozontal to the walls you just made. now make a second wall that is an exact copy of the wall you made earlier on the side opposite the first wall. now make a roof using a double wall and then wall single set the wall single to spawn late and then starta new round. make a double wall down to finnish the roof, just make sure you move it to the edge of the walls on the floor so that the roof is finnished. then make the wall single re-spawn. now make two doors horozontaly against whichever narrow entrance you want to be the entrance. now after you stack the doors delete the bottom one. now there is a realy small enterance, make a grav lift blocking the way so that the player has to destroy it. now delete the signs that were your guide to making the hallway, and the signs that were in your hallway walls. now go to one of the holes in your wall, make a weapon holder that will point a grav lift inwards twords the hallway. make a grav lift on the weapon holder (make sher that the weapon holder isn't too close to the hallway. now you make the gravlift spawn late and then make a dumpster in front of the grav lift spawn point. Also make it so the players can only ride in the passenger seat. this should work i've been typing this for a while so it may have a few type-os in it.
yeah that's a good iea but i need other types of ones for example person has two magnums pointing at his head if some walks through the door the pistols go off. those type of traps and people who have seen the saw films would understand.
it could be a grav lift holding back the dumster or summin that is aimed at the guy and if some1 wants to get through the door they shoot the gravlift and then SPLAT!
Use the classic 4 way dumpster crunch. 1) Spawn a dumpster 2)Put a custom powerup in front of it. Make sure half is absorbed into the dumpster 3)put a mancannon behind the dumpster 4)Pick up the powerup and see what happens. EDIT: Srry I thought you didn't know about that idea. ;[
The dumpster thing is SOOOOO cliched. New ideas now. How about if a guy grabs a custom powerup, a crate balanced on a ledge with a grav lift pushing it forward splatters a guy below.
thats impossible. weapons don't fire by themselves in halo. but if your making a film position the camera so all you can see is the 2 magnums, the persons head, and maybe the hallway behind him. That way, it would look like that, but it wouldn't be actually playable. you get what i'm saying??
I think a trap floor would be a great idea like if you step on the trap spot you would it the custome power up in the floor the gound will slide to the side and you will fall to your death.
well i need trap that goes along the lines like the one at the start of saw ii and saw iii. And there is a trap similar to the big tests in Saw iii where a person must help people escape from traps.