Hope I don't get in trouble for starting this but... thought it would be a good idea. What I mean is not little mods that we all have seen in a few maps here but like, actual MODS like weapon mods, physical mods, visual mods. Tell the community how you feel about REAL mods in forgehub. EDIT: If yes then should a new section for modded maps should be added.
Bungie won't officially recognize or support any organization that supports modding. Forgehub will never have a mods section.
Hmm... you bring up a good point. I think we should definitely do this. On the other hand, why would you think we would allow modded content worse than 'little mods we've all seen?' Of course not. We do not promote and content that Bungie itself bans. EDIT: Definitely! And then another forum where the unicorns roam LOLcats rule the world.
If it wasn't for Forresthalla I'd never had likes anything that came out of Valhalla. So I think it should be allowed to share these things. YouTube - Forest Valhalla Mod
Well hold on, lets not entirely count it out. I'm against mods as well because they are usually something stupid like flying fish or the multi-wheel on Last Resort, but what if people made mods that made for actual fun, possibly competitive gameplay? Maybe use solid objects not available in forge to construct...wait? Now that I think about it, you can forge most anything in Sandbox. For the first time in a while in a video game, mods are obsolete. Its just a bunch of trees? Not incredible. Annoying for driving and hardly affected gameplay. Notice how we all still play on regular Valhalla still? (for better or for worse).
Obviosly nobody would put a modded map in their fileshare which is required to post a map, but HYPOTHETICALLY should they be allowed, and if so, what kind of an effect would it have on the foeging community if bungie had a "mod day" which obviously would never happen. But again HYPOTHETICALLY.
It actually make gameplay A LOT better. + there are no vehiculs. It blocks likes of site so you can have mid and close range battes and is just all around better imo. DL it and see. Play FFA lasers/snipes or a mix of both it's major fun.
Foresthalla is the only semi-decent mod out there. Halo 3 mods leave a lot to be desired. No-one cares that you placed ten enelphants on sandtrap. Most mods leave the map unplayable because all the modder has done is make random copies of fixed objects already on the map and place them everywhere.
I think a new section for mods would be good but no actual links to the maps, or tutorials, just discussion about maps with screenshots etc and videos, then bungie cant slate us because were not insighting modding were just discussing it, and tbh when does bungie support the community? They dont at all tbh, a mention every so often is crap really, the community has very good maps coming out, I think they should have a feed on their forum taking a feed from here from the featured maps and maybe even a staff member picking a map every so often from here to put into the matchmaking... ;p
Halo modding is declining, and it has been over the last several years. Halo 3 modding is too undeveloped to become big.
By heavy map mods, do you mean like "A WORM$ LAND?" Spoiler YouTube - A Worm's Race Track (Halo 3 Last Resort Mod) AKA (A Worm$ Land) Where there is upside down water in and islands the sky? Although I have never seen physics mods and stuff like that in any Gametype mods, I have played on gravity defying mods on Sandtrap before. EDIT: Ontopic: I do not think Forgehub should allow a modding section. It would be frowned upon by Bungie, and maybe ruin the sites' reputation.
Think about THIS, should bungie allow and accept Modding, they could make money off it, or just mod their own maps and put those in matchaking?
Doubtful they could make money off it and it could allow potential problems in matchmaking etc. they have modded their maps and put them in matchmaking. Sandtarp, Boundless, Epilogue
the only mod that ever caught my attention enough to go "oh wow" was this: otherwise, modding isnt allowed for a reason. YouTube - Halo 3 Modded Map - Snow on Valhalla!
I'm sorry to ask, but are you retarded? There is no way to mod like that, and Forge Hub would lose their respect from Bungie.
that really is an amazing mod but ive been around with mods and actually have a few modder friends and ive never, ever been able to get my hands on that.
Its a .map mod and you can only play it with a dev kit and im geussing you dont have one of them because there umm, £1000 The only good mods out their are projectile mods and texture mods like the one above, but theres some interesting mods and I think modders can work with forgers to make custom gametypes and minigames..