Welcome to the fourth in series Desert Ninja! This D.N. focuses on pressure jumping mostly. It's surprising how many people haven't heard of it. Laws of physics DO apply in H3 (for the most part). Pretty short, but the last of the short D.N. series. By now, you should be all prepped and ready for D.N.A. the next Desert Ninja challenge... Rapids: [/URL] 'Not so' Kill Ball:[/URL] PRESSURE JUMPS!! (my personal favorites):[/URL] Golf Ball Bounce: [/URL] More pressure jumping:[/URL] Overview:[/URL] DESERT NINJA HERE: Desert Ninja Gametype D.N. LIQUID HERE: D.N. Liquid Map Please rate, and comment. Thanks-
Mannnn, I really like these trick maps but I like them clean. No offense dude but I will NOT dl any of your maps they are just sloppy you need to clean them all up and make them look nice an have better play from what I see there are allot of places where you can skip over something. You can't just be like oh well they won't cause its a moral thing you have to make them. unskippable
Don't stop bumping peoples maps if are going to post three maps just post a map pack. You'r maps are sloppy too clean them up a litttle bit. It looks like you can skip past things easyly.
I wont DL at all, 1. He's bumping not once, but twice. That makes 3 maps with different screen shots? But its the same map? 2. Next time just put all your screen shots in one thread.
eh pressure jumps ?? you mean slide jumps if you really want a good trick map make ghost jumps in it and that stuff
Ok really? STOP BUMPING OTHER PEOPLE'S MAPS DOWN. Seriously if this isn't the same map as before, then why not just do a map pack? Also this is just COMPLETELY sloppy. I mean nothing is clean on any of your ninja desert maps. Plus, as it has already been stated, you can skip to other parts of the map. Sorry but I can't download anything that is this sloppy. For better forging techniques, go to Forging 101 at the home page and to the left column, it should be there. Please check it out, it really helps. And don't post two series maps in two different threads. Kind of unnecessary.
The forging could be somewhat cleaner, but i really like the concept etc. even though it isnt totally original. Does the kill ball actually kill you or what? this looks like a really fun map to just play by yourself when you have nothing else to do.
Unlike the others, I think this will turn out like all your other ninja maps, brilliant. I'm still working on Flaming Ninja Challege 3 which goes around the whole map. You can't worry much about asthetics in these maps anyways because they could effect a jump or a trick that makes the game easier/impossible. I applaud your work Stix227 and hope to see great future maps from you. I_Aaronator_I
You have no idea how much that just helped. I've been getting nothing but complaints about being sloppy and stuff. For the record people NO you CAN NOT skip ANYWHERE. I'm only inexperianced at forgehub posting. all my maps have been tested and are cheat-proof. Please stop cpmplaining about how the map looks. The maps are functional. I will put maps like this in a map pack next time i didn't know i was bumping peoples stuff down and im sorry. I didn't even know about map packs or anything. Excuse my inexperiance, i'm trying my best to learn the ropes or forums in general. Im not really an internet person. No the kill ball doesn't kill you. I made it like that to mess with my friends (shh don't tell them they still walk around it) =P
Next time, just ask someone. If something doesnt seem like it should be, just ask. I'm pretty sure anyone will help.
No. I mean pressure jumps, don't correct me on my terminology. It's like telling somebody that their way of pronouncing creek or coyote or tomato is wrong. I'll consider making vehicle jumps thanks.
pressure jumping, jacksson, is where you go to the top of an incline →\ and you jump from the top of the slant, to the very bottom and just as you hit the bottom of the angle you jump again and the inertia of your jump to the bottom is transferred as forward momentum and it can send you further forward than crouch jumping. It's pretty neat actually
That's called slide jumping. Ghost jumps arn't vehicle jumps, but they are a jump where you recreate your person by losing your shields, and killing yourself with a turrent. Once you do that, your body is still there, you scoot your body to where it needs to be, and you jump on it's head to get to a higher point. Basically having two different people, but with one person.
Okay hobo thanks, i knew about killing yourself with a turret and how your body stands there. thats cool. on the other note, i don't know if theres a difference between slide jumping and pressure jumping or if they're the same thing and i just say it differently (like how some people say mountain lion and some call it puma)
thats not ghost jumping thats cloning... ghost jumping is where you jump upwards into a small ledge (not large enough to stand on) crouched and when you knee is level with the ledge you uncrouch and jump. its hard to explain but it looks like you're jumping off of nothing, just youtube it and you'll get a better description.