Changing Camera Speed / Getting Past Death Barriers

Discussion in 'Screenshot Guides' started by Kronos, May 26, 2009.

  1. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I know someone just recently posted a guide for the same thing, but I believe this method is easier, and works far better in the end, mostly because of the speed manipulation.

    Method 4: Go to customs. Hold down RT, LT, RB, LB, A, Click Both Thumbsticks, and Up and D-Pad at same time. Hold until white numbers come up.

    Now Do it again, but hold left on the D-Pad, this switches to pan-cam on top left.
    Jump off a cliff if possible, otherwise kill yourself ion general. I am 70% sure it doesn't matter.

    End game.


    wait until you die. then pause.
    Now press up aon the D-Pad and hold. Notice the number on the top left go up. That is camera speed. I usually use a number between 30k and 200k to break out. Just move into the barrier at a high speed to break out. Move the speed down when you are out.

    *Note: Spoiler is what I wrote earlier, below is an easier-to-understand version. If, however, you still don't get it, read the spoiler.

    The reason I like this method better, is because the outside of maps are very very big. The ability to change your camera speed helps speed that up. It's also more reliable in my opinion. I've tried other methods, and they don't always seem to work. This method may seem complicated, but it's really not once you get it the first time. *EDIT* After re-reading the first post, this is actually easier... just make sure you are in LOCAL

    1) Customs (LOCAL): Hold RT LT RB LB A, click both sticks down, and hold up on the D-Pad. (I use tongue for D-Pad)
    - Repeat but hold left on D-Pad.
    - Jump off cliff, or suicide, preferably cliff.

    2) Theatre: Pause when you die.
    - Hold up on D-Pad to raise camera speed. (Number is on top left. Be aware of it.)
    - Use this new speed to break through barriers by heading into them.
    - Reduce speed when out.

    *Note: You can tell you did the first part correctly by looking at the top left of your screen. After pressing Up on D-Pad, it will say NORMAL. After left, it will say PANCAM.

    *Note: If you go outside, and the screen starts blurring up, first try to go in reverse to get back to where you were. If it fails, rewind a little and get back out.

    *Note: Please be aware that you can't go past a certain limit outside. No method can fix this. But it really doesn't matter all that much. :).
    #1 Kronos, May 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  2. xpk3

    xpk3 Ancient
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    how long do you have to wait for the white numbers because its killing my hands lol?
  3. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Like....under 5 seconds. Make sure you are in customs when you do it.

    I HAVE had one friend tell em he couldn't get it to work....and he kept insisting that it was glitched for him....then he finally got it after a while.

    Just try every now and then until you get it, it's really not that hard.

    EDIT: oh, wow, I forgot something important. Go to LOCAL lobby. :/ You can be in a chat, but make sure its in local.
  4. alienman911

    alienman911 Ancient
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    nice find
    but do you need to be on the default controls?
  5. CertifiedSaint

    CertifiedSaint Ancient
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    hey its only RB LB LStick A DPad Up Left or Down

    LT,RT,LStick are not required
  6. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    i can't seem to get my xbox to let me use the oancam or when i could use it , speed up.....
  7. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    D Pad up speeds it up.

    Senior Member

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    lol nice find. i didint know that you can change that.
    thanks for sharing im trying when i get back online tomorrow.
  9. jeffyrcool

    jeffyrcool Ancient
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    very nice find, easier then using the grav hammer glitch, that takes me forever. anyway i will try this out today

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