Hi! I am looking for ideas for making a map full of traps... any ideas? videos on how to make these threads will be greatly appreciated.
Well, other than active camos, is there smth like a touch sensitive wall where any players armor touches the wall... some trap will spring out?
You can use Custom Power-ups. In fact, you can make a variant of a gametype and make the custom power-up make players weaker, so it's easier for them too die if a small object falls on them.
use your imagination. put a power up in front of something, then put macannons behind. be sure to secure it though, then take the power up and hey presto! you have a trap.
in foundry make a floor of pallets some held up by teleporters others not. put a roof so close to a persons head that the person cannot jump. if a person walks on a pallet with nothing supporting it he/she falls and goes through a death teleporter.
My map Shroomz Crypt, has three traps in it. You can look at that map for ideas, if you have Sandbox.
errm you could make wire traps (they only work once per round btw) i will put two diff vids up and both are fantastic #1: YouTube - "Halo 3" Advanced Traps And tutorial (sandbox) #2: YouTube - ''Halo 3'' The MineField Trap (Advanced Trap) hope that helped
Yea, ^^ he just used wires. Here is a list of threads of various switches, I would suggest looking at wires because those make good traps. List of H3A switches That will explain them to you, the video just showed them and showed how to make it, this explains what is going on.
you could make a maze of blocks that they have to navigate on and if they step on the wrong block they die 1. Make a field of raised up blocks that arent touching (like in the first video, but they shouldnt touch) and put a roof so that the player cant really jump. 2. Under some of them (the ones that you want to kill the player) place another block on the floor. 3. Connect all the blocks on the floor. 4. Now make a trap (i think a minefield could work well for this one, or make one of the walls smash them) if you dont understand what i mean let me know and ill try to draw it up in photoshop. Another idea is like an Indiana Jones hallway. Place something enticing (like a custom powerup) at the end of a long, narrow hallway. when the player picks up the custom a ball would come from somewhere and chase the player down the hall. at the end of the hall (possibly high and hidden from view so they can only see it if they are running from the ball) place another switch. If they get to the end of the hallway and get the switch make dumpsters fall directly behind them and cut off the hallway, saving them from the ball the only problem with that one is the ball would lose momentum, and so you might need some mancannons along the hallway or something, idk, it might work, it might not. it would be cool if you could get it to happen though