Honestly, it's just a game. If being trash-talked bothers you, mute your enemies before the game starts. If being teabagged bothers you, switch to another teammate's view while you're dead. Easy as that.
What if his whole team is dead and they are all getting t-bagged as well? He might explode form too much t-baggingness.
Maybe you should be better at the game. Maybe you wouldn't have got teabagged or trash talked if you would not sucked and won.
You strut around like your **** don't stink, don't you? Don't tell me you don't rip the **** out of them and their lack of life in the pre and post games lobbbies, and when you occasionally kill them (don't tell me you don't return the balls-flavoured favour?). Just say "Sorry I wasn't aware that this was any more than a game"
I should start a thread about, "My Rant About Staff Captains, First Lieutenants, Field Majors, Strike Commanders & Force Colonels". And complain how they ruin the fun out of games when I get partied up with them, because I have fun when I win.
When the other team T-Bags, it's better. I got 2 kills from people T-Bagging my corpse, one didn't notice the grenade and the other didn't notice I was behind him until I got a plasma grenade on his back.
Nice wood. I agree with this. I have played with much more nice generals than douche bag ones. its not just generals either. Its anyone. I find other people being douche bags just as much as generals.
On the rare occasion that I play against an asshole who is a general, I just make sure to give them my best teabags and a few friendly messages with the 'Bad 50z' picture attached. Then I, and the friends I am probably playing with, send them harassing messages, and try to get them into a custom game where we can proceed to spawnkill and teabag them until they quit. Actually, I do the same thing to pretty much every asshole who annoys me at the wrong time of day, regardless of rank. (Minus the screenshot, of course) But honestly, most of the generals I play against are in party chat and are too busy killing things to teabag. Just to clarify things: I'm not an asshole to everyone I play with, only people who spew insults and hump bodies with the virtual balls they wish they had. ^.^ So basically there are two ways to deal with jerks on Live; be insanely aggressive toward people who insult you, harrassing them until they block you or log off (Or untl you get bored of making fun of them with the other people in your party) or mute and avoid them at the first sign of trouble.
Haha, I try to avoid arguing, but I do confront people when I think it's necessary. Rather than resorting to yelling back and forth with someone, I just say a few clear-headed things that they can't make fun of. For example, my friend and I once had to ask somebody why people always resort to calling people gay. I find that being conversational or funny with annoying people actually helps them stop it. It's manipulative and it works. And sometimes I mock people who take things way too seriously, like social games. When people are yelling at their teammates during a match that doesn't matter at all, they need to take a chill pill. Overall, my favorite way of dealing with jerkish people is to turn it into a joke. I had a teammate shooting at me once, and after a short time we were having dance parties together, all because of me. I sang Safety Dance so much that match.
My general is my bro's hehe, but I can still beat them. Don't stereotype that all generals are @ssholes because I know a lot and they're all nice and don't trashtalk others at the end of games. The reason most people think all generals are jerks is because 90% of them are, that's just the way weirdos are. Then again, I never play matchmaking anymore so I haven't really experienced this much. I just hate all those people, including non generals, who trash talk anyway and teabag and betray for weapons. The sad truth is that's the average gaming population. Sad I know. I have no idea what I just said, I'm bored and tired. Goodnight all.
Experience means exactly that. Grade 4's are not bad, and many of them actually prefer those ranks, and don't care that there are "higher up" ranks. A lot of "gold bars" think their ranks are cool, myself included. I actually decided to go for strike commander when I was a 30... I believe it took me a day or two in lone wolves to get my 35 and I am happy with my rank. I have the coolest sounding rank in the game, so yeh! PS: You missed out Brigadier General and Five-Star General
Here's how I see it : People online can be assholes. Take an asshole who is stuck up himself. Give him a level 50. The 50 perpetuates his assholic nature (yes I made up a word). Now an asshole is a bigger asshole with a 50. Therefore it is not the 50 that makes the asshole, it is the 50 that perpetuates the asshole. The person makes the asshole. The person must be an asshole in the first place to become a 50 which is an asshole. Follow me? I don't. I like assholes.