Sandbox Desert Ninja

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by xT Game Over Tx, May 28, 2009.

  1. xT Game Over Tx

    xT Game Over Tx Ancient
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    I made a series of jumping/obstacle/ninja maps called Desert Ninja. I was hoping to basically get them more renown by joining forgehub and posting them here but I can't find my way around a forum/thread thing to save my life. There are five in all maps and the fith one is the longest/hardest and I think they are really good. I've heard nothing but good comments, aside from the frustration remarks xD, about them. I hope I am doing this right. I can't even find the forum that can help me do this so i'm winging it. Here is a link to the gametype : Halo 3 File Details

    and the map (the fith one)- : Halo 3 File Details

    Here are some pictures =)

    Here is the checkpoint system. I have checkpoints like this in all my D.N. maps:


    Recieving part of the checkpoint: (no ****)

    Overview #1

    Overview #2

    Well I got it right this time I think ( I hope )
    If I messed up again, please let me know as this is my first forum post ever. lol. be nice please.
    #1 xT Game Over Tx, May 28, 2009
    Last edited: May 28, 2009
  2. Death Height

    Death Height Ancient
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    this post is not up to standards. you need pics embeded. i unfortunately dont have the actual forum post to show how to embed pics, but i can summarize it for ya.
    go to your bungie account, find the pics, save them to your computer. make an account/ log on to photobucket, and upload the pictures. then, one by one copy and paste the IMG codes into your post.
  3. timbojim

    timbojim Ancient
    Senior Member

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    actually you go to Halo Screen Shots and type your gamertag were it says. then just wait for it to load and click the one you want. then copy the bb code and past it into your post.
  4. MDIGN

    MDIGN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i'll dl your map but hurry and add pics use photobucket
  5. Andizee

    Andizee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i love it!
    i dl'ed!

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