Pipeway Problem [/URL] Backround Hey guys... my first map posting on forge hub and it's finally done! It took over a week to build and perfect for a smooth, unusually infection variant. The map works great with 8-16 players but provides a decent game play for 4-7 players as well. The interlocking was a real pain but I think I got it alright. Players usually get the memo right away and know what they have to do. Simple... start in a house and make your way though a giant pipe that has many dangerous openings; but I’ll get into detail with that down here. Story You and your friends took protection in an abandoned warehouse after a zombie infection and have to leave due to a shortage in ammo and food supplies. Advance through the military escort pipe that has been severely damaged by zombies in some parts and poorly fixed by the military while avoiding assassination by zombies. It's better than running out in the open but just remember one rule: Look up! Humans/Elites (Not going to get specific) [/URL] The military is destroyed, your friends have hysteria and you don't know what’s going on. This would mean death in a standard infection game. Fortunately, it is not a standard infection game. Humans can take five slashes from an energy sword which allows a better chance of survival. Right? Wrong. Humans do not regenerate health and zombies have a general advantage over them because of the makeshift covers the military put over the pipe in some areas (the covers are wood pallets). This makes assassination easy. Humans will have to work together to survive and get to the final destination. Wood pallets are placed in some agitating places that make humans bite their nails (while shooting of course). Humans have high gravity and are a bit slower than zombies. The cozy house humans spawn in. [/URL] [/URL] Safe House- Objective #1. [/URL] Close the door ;D Zombies [/URL] Like humans, zombies will also have to work together and strategize. In the beginning of the game, a zombie can rush and pick off one or two humans if they are taking their time in the house. Your numbers start low, but fortunately humans have waypoints over their heads and there are several makeshift covers in the pipeline where zombies can drop down and assassinate. Zombies have low gravity and are a bit faster than humans but damage modifier and resistance are decreased. Remember: if you see pallets, there is a hidden entrance. There are many entrances zombies can strategically drop from. [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] Here are some more action pics... Need to stick together! [/URL] Go go go! [/URL] Grav lift placed in order to prevent zombies from entering the safe room and closing the door (placed in dangerous spot). [/URL] Download map here: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=76115539 Download gametype here: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=75985596
preety good and for your first post, good job! i like the interlocking and the whole idea of the map pros: 1. super nicely made map 2. can lead to maney fun, scary games 3.reminds me of one of my faveourite maps cons: 1. dont think there is any 4.6/5 good job!
it looks like a really well made and well thougth out map. i'm sure it will go down well, especially with those without sandbox well done 4.5/5
I really like how you actually made a zombie game which would require the teams to work together! It reminds me alot of L4D. Can't wait to try it out!
Wow, you really did a good job executing the map. It reminds me of manifest, but I think I like the gameplay more in your map. I never really liked manifest. This is great and I like it because of the ssaferoom. That really adds to the experience of playing this. You've got my download. Good job.
I think that its great, BUT it seems like the humans have to rush through as fast as possible since they only get 5 hits. Are zombies 1 hit ko?
Zombies have 25 percent decreased shields. humans can also look up and see where the entrances are but some are in a really bad spot for humans Oh and can someone tell me how to put a poll up? Thanks would be appreciated
Yea this map looks pretty good. i gues i agree with what everybody else said. Nothing wrong that i can see from the pics. 4/5
Ahh I think I'm going to try to fix this up a bit. People always camp in the house in the beggining. Also, putting infection rate at 50 percent as opposed to 25 percent makes it much crazier and funner < (I know)
This looks really great. Normally I don't like infection maps on Foundry because there are too many and they are all poorly made, but this looks good. I love the tunnels, and the pallet roofs. 5/5
hmm this reminds me a lot of the map security tunnel ( and my map the tunnel which is based off of it.) the only difference is the cieling height in the pipeways... in this map it seems like the zombies can simply camp at a hole in the pipe and pick ppl off once they walk by without them noticing.
nice map, interlocking looks neat. ill try it when my mates come online, i love the "need to stick together" picture
Nice, smooth and well designed. This is a good map, especially for one of your first. The only problem I can foresee would be the short length, but the 50% infected should resolve that issue. 4.7/5
Looks Great! Looks like a lot of fun! I can't wait to play it. I like how the humans have to work as a team to survive. 5/5