Greased D Bag

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Flame Sama, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. Flame Sama

    Flame Sama Ancient
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    Greased D Bag
    You just wanna be their friend!

    Download Map (Ashtray)
    Download Gametype (Greased D Bag)[/size]

    The game begins without a juggernaut, three seconds later one is randomly chosen. The juggernaut is completely powerless and pink too, all he can do is try to avoid you killing him. But it isn't all bad for him, he can run away because he has 500% health. Avoid the others for as long as possible. When you do die, someone else will become juggernaut, and you must try to kill him. Keep in mind that you don't have to do all the work, as long as you land the killing shot on him, you get the point. Get 10 points to win.

    Now, I have a few reasons for not including any screenshots for my attached map.
    One, you don't have to have my map in order to play, it was just a map me and my cousins created to go along with the game.
    Two, it's Rat's Nest, hard to make screenshots of that.
    Three, there isn't that much to the map, some weapons and some cover is all there is to it.

    Download the game and try with some friends (split-screen might be better, considering you have to explain how to play the first time). This has become a staple of my split-screen tourneys. Enjoy.

    EDIT: Some forced pictures.
  2. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    Re: Greased D Bag, a juggernaut mini-game.

    so is this basically just a gametype with a couple of weapons on the maps?
    and you could at least change the title so its only "Greased D Bag" and have some gameplay pics plz?
  3. Flame Sama

    Flame Sama Ancient
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    Re: Greased D Bag, a juggernaut mini-game.

    Pretty much just weapons, objects and two or three teleporters. The map is good when it's along with the gametype, but you can use any map you want.

    And what would I take pictures of in terms of gameplay?
  4. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Re: Greased D Bag, a juggernaut mini-game.

    Maybe the Gameplay?
  5. Flame Sama

    Flame Sama Ancient
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    16 want me to take some pictures of 'Here's a pink spartan running!' 'Here he is getting shot!' 'Here he is dead'.

    Seriously, there is no real reason to take pictures, sorry. Make your own assumptions when you download.
  6. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Yeah, there is a reason, it is required on forge hub, if you don't want to embed pictures, you shouldn't have posted on forge hub. The game doesn't seem very original anyway, all it is is juggernaut where he gets lots of health, and a bunch of overpowered weapons.
  7. Homicidaltard

    Homicidaltard Ancient
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    ......dude.......thats exactly what, and your supposed to take pictures of the map too. its pretty simple, just take a couple coool pics during gameplay and bam, you got it
  8. Flame Sama

    Flame Sama Ancient
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    Rat's Nest is hard to take pictures of, and there isn't much there...

    I added a few pics to the OP.

    Wow, there are so many ways I can respond to that...
    "he gets lots of health, and a bunch of overpowered weapons." Congrats, that's Halo for you.
    The juggernaut can't do damage and instead of killing other players, he must avoid other players. It may not be original but I've never seen a simlar gametype, and never played one either. But I suppose that couldn't be as original as your Tremors...erm, 'Splat' game, hmm? I bow out of this, I don't feel like flaming, I just want to post without people like you shoving non constructive criticism down my throat.
  9. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    I am trying to give you constructive criticism, I'm telling you that your map doesn't have very much depth, and that you should try to be more creative with your maps, other than the super strong juggernaut, and all the others have rockets and swords. This idea is very similar to the Lost in the Woods gametype that was featured less than two weeks ago.

    I think that you need to realize that more people are giving you constructive criticism. They told you that you need to embed pictures, because it is not only a rule, but will help your map get more attention. When I gave you criticism you decided to instead of actually think about what I said, you decide to bash my map, which is only a little bit like Tremors, because it involves splattering. The gameplay is way different, and I think that attempting to make me look bad like that was very low.
  10. Flame Sama

    Flame Sama Ancient
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    Okay...yeah, I added pictures.

    My idea, a backwards juggernaut, I've never seen before, and I've never heard of Lost In The Woods.

    You came off as rude in your first post which is why I attacked your map.

    My friends have never played a simlar game either, which is why I posted it here.
  11. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    sorry for coming off as rude. The bad thing about posting is that people can't tell my tone. I was trying to be helpful. I was talking about the lost woods game that is on the second page of FH announcements right now. I think that the game would be more fun if the juggernaut had a little less health, but increased speed. I have played games like this before, but I don't have one on my console right now. Once I delete a couple maps I will DL.
  12. Flame Sama

    Flame Sama Ancient
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    Thanks. I just but the juggernaut at 500% health because it makes them just hard enough to kill to make it fun. I may try it another version of it...

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