Dymex Dymex is a Team based skybubble map; it supports all gametypes besides assualt and infection. Item limit. Dymex A few things you might want to note about the map: -Max players 8 -Suggested 3v3 Now, on to the weapons and equipment. Battle rifles x5 SMG's x2 Spikers x2 Plasma rifles x2 Plasma pistol x1 Magnum x1 Mauler x1 {Spawns after 90 seconds, with 2 spare clips.} Radar jammer x1 Flare x1 Deployable cover x1 Plasma gernade x6 Spike gernade x2 Screen shots. Blue base spawn area. Red base spawn area Back behind the blue base. Take a right, you go to the blue base, and left will take you towards the red. That does for this map, hope you enjoy it. The name credit goes to aMoeba, thanks for the name idea. Heres the link: Dymex
Okay, to start off, this map looks like it was very well made, every bit of floor and wall flows smoothly. As if that weren't enough, you also make an intelligent weapon selection and rate it for a reasonable number of players. In all likelyhood, this map will play very well, and I look forward to testing it, once my 360 is back. 5/5
I agree with flying dice and as soon as i get on tommorrow I will give this a look over. As far as i can tell the map will flow smoothly for the recommended number of people and the weapon selection was definitely chosen carefully so as not to put to much emphasis on power weapons. This will be a good team based warm-up map. 4.5/5
Thanks for the feedback guys, and yeah its better just to play 3v3, or 4v4 if you have a few people who are still new to the game. Anymore people then that would just lag it out so I only placed 4 starter points for each team.
I agree Desimator55 and Flying Dice. The map is awesome and I need to wait till tomorrow, I really like the view of it and the colors. 1 bajillion out of 1 bajillion
Dangg P1B you are just putting maps out left and right. This looks like another good one. Everything looks very smooth and i like the guards around all the edges (I tend to try to fly when I get in the skybubble). The interlocked columns look pretty sweet. Nice use of lighting also. It does look just a bit small, but thats ok. Good job.
haha I hear ya. I've been working on a few maps here lately. What better to do if its rainy outside? If you looking for something to work on, you should check out this contest. I've been working on a map for it.
Well, obviously getting out of the map is out of the question, being that it's forged in the skybubble. But are people supposed to get on top of the map???
Looks like a really great map you've got my download. In the first pic the kill ball looks alot like a comment( its probably supposed to anyways)
I know this is off topic, and most likely an infraction. But I cant believe this map was made almost a year ago. Its crazy how time fly's.
Lol in the first pic i was all like "WTF! THIS MAP IS SO SMALL!" But then I scrolled down, then I was all amazed. The map is very smooth looking. The walk ways are very nice. I hope to see more maps from you. Very random fusion coil. There are plenty of weapons, mabe toning it down abit. But nice map.
Haha, why thank you. I'm currently making another map, but not in a rush for it to release. I think I have a V.2 of this already with toned down weapons for people who didn't like this set up. Thanks for checking it out.
okay for one: i won't download this map because I see so many flaws that is makes me sick. so it's obvious one can grenade jump onto the tube corners and start skating over the entire top of the map...By the looks of how small this map is, you couldn't fix that and possibly create a ceiling with all the budget I'm sure you have left over? and also, where is the aesthetics? this was posted under the competitive maps forum and there's no super-cool, amazing, jaw-dropping aestheticness. So ya, I would add a ceiling and make it more aesthetic. do that, and i'll download 1.5/5 EDIT: Okay, so I just checked out your map even though I said I wasn't going to download (=p), and I do like the hallway with the column, large's. The layout's also nice and looks like it'll play good, but still, there's not enough aesthetic stuff going on, and getting on top of the map is definitely still an issue. 3.5/5
Thanks for the look over I guess? Even though it was kinda bleh. But thanks anyways. An I did hit the item limit. I don't use glitched maps, I'd rather makie it legit. Everyone deserves to place their opinions, negative or not. Edit: Who gives a **** about jaw dropping aesthetics. It's all about the fun.