Who would win? Remember, that these characters are not limited by their in-game abilities. Yes, I just decided to throw in Mario. Here's how I would see it. Both chief or Fenix could rape Mario... without breaking a sweat. They could curb stomp him, while he eats his mushrooms, but without any health, a single pistol to the head would kill Mario. But between Fenix and mc, I say mc. In game, he can flip friggin tanks. In the books... he can survive free falls from space, run 60km/h... In the end, I believe that chief would tear Fenix a new hole.
PFFFT! Mario would win cause he would set fire to both of those bastards and he can jump out of pipes and he's a plumber I think and idk what else but still Mario FTW! oh and Mario can triple jump.
**** you're right. Mario is an instant win, and he has the chomper thingies, beats spartan lasers instantly.
Pssshhhtt. Mario would literally **** them all up. Marcus would be like "I'm gonna Curbstomp you!" and MC would be like "I am Spartan 117" And then mario would just get yoshi all up in their grills,.
They would all kill each other. Mario would kill Marcus Fenix while he curbstomps the chief and Mario eats bad mushrooms and kill Fenix with flameballs and Mario would die of food poisoning. So the mushrooms actually win.
Master Chief can upload an AI too fly a Marathon-Class cruiser, Marcus Fenix would have problems with a pelican, let alone a cruiser.
MC is 8 feet tall, augmented, has super stregth, has power armor, can jump out of a pelican from Atmo, and easily survive.
Master Chief also has shields. I wonder what the lancer would do to the shields? Half-damage? Also Mario is one fat bastard so like lock said, he could just jump on their heads. Fenix has the disadvantage here...
This is the only way the fight would turn out. Mario tries to jump on Marcus. Mario get's chainsawed mid-air. The camera pans out away from the chainsaw action to show Master Chief with a pistol to the back of Marcus's head. Game over.
And don't forget that master chief weighs a good 800 pounds more than Mario, and can jump just as, if not higher than Mario. Fenix can't jump for ****, so yeah he is at a disadvantage, and has to rely on cover, which there will not always be.
Heres how the fight would go. Mario is jumping on blocks in the middle of a field when Marcus Fenix (MF) roadie runs in and takes the chainsaw to marios ass. Mario lays bleeding and passes out and dies from blood loss. Marcus is admiring is work when Master Chief (MC) comes in on a warthog jumps out with the spartan laser. He takes a shot and misfires Marcus comes up with his chainsaw again but finds out its useless against Master Chiefs shields MC kicks him in the chest onto the ground pulls out his sniper rifle and no-scopes Marcus in the face. Game Over