Have you ever wished to find and play a map that is not just great looking but has unbelievable style. Well if so wish granted because Conker EVO was not just built for style but for non stop fun game play. Conker EVO was built by me NOV3D for one reason because I was tired of all these map that only had one thing to offer so that is why I built Conker EVO because it has every thing a gamer what's. It can keep you playing over and over again with out thinking twice about switching to another map. There is only a few reasons some people may not like this map like it can only hold up to 10 people do to lack of spawn points, not a large variety of weapons, and you can not survive without team work but those reason's should not stop you from downloading this map and loving it because this map has this to offer you like, EXPLOSIONS but in a controlled amount so that the map does no become a death pit, many ways to gain control of the map not just one like most map's, the ability to play any game type you want from infection to King of the Hill, the map is easy to get use to and not confusing... The list goes on forever so I am just going to skip to telling you about what the map's main game type is. It is CONKER EVO CTF which is all about forcing a team into submission and capturing there flag 3 times. Which is not easy it requires allot of team work. Note to every down loader MAKE SURE THE TEAM'S ARE EQUAL!Conker EVO was built after a map in the game Conker's Bad Fur Day. So if you liked that game you will love this map. Just take a look at somethings that the map has to offer... Battle Rifle-4 Laser-2 Rocket Launchers-2 Machine gun Turret-4 Flame Thrower-1 Frag Grenades-6 Plasma Grenades-8 Spike Grenades-8 Deplorable Shield-4 Bubble Shield-1 Land Mine-1 Regenerate-1 Over Shield-1 Cami-1 Yeah, I know great selection write but weapons don't really show much about a map unless you show what those weapons can do... Or if your one for non violence. You could chill at the flag spawn... Or not... Lets take another look at non violence. Just so you can see how great it is with Violence. ... ... Nice looking but boring. So that's why I made sure that Conker EV was full of EXPLOSION, FIRE FIGHTS, and JUST ALL OUT MAYHEM! Nice, it gets better... Your probably saying hell yeah it looks great but it looks like every one will end up like this... But if your team is good then the pic should look a little bit more like this.. Don't think just because you have a great team... That they will not end up like this... Because maybe just maybe the other team has a better set up... Or just knows how to use the map to its max afect... ... But then again you could make the flag just Little bit hard to get... Or not... Well now that you have seen your gamer fantasy I think this is the next thing you will what to see. CONKER EVO Bungee.net : Halo 3 File Details CONKER EVO CTF Bungee.net : Halo 3 File Details If this map made your wish come true or if it just pissed you off please post so I can tell if I did or didn't do my job.
This looks promising and very fun indeed, 2 lasers, 2 rocket launchers, 4 machine gun turrets and a flamethrower could be interesting, but you have argued your case very well and even though the rediculous overpowering this could indeed be very fun. Although i feel that no skill will be involved as you can get killed by anything really but killing fests can be interesting! A well made and planned map!.. I suppose this is a casual map lol!
This map looks really good 9/10 . I love the forging in the main corridor overall very neat and also the mass of power weapons = very fun play. I think you should definatley keep forging and maybe for your next map go bigger scale as this is a tad cosy.
The look of the map really stands out as something you would see in Unreal Tournament. (which is an amazing game) The fast paced action looks like it may feel a bit like UT also. Really cool and i hope its as fun as you say. -One thing i notice is it looks like you could jump on top... i'll have to test that first though.
I disagree, weapons can show alot about a map, if you have a map with lots of weapons, (especially ones with at least one of every weapon) it is likely that the mapmaker has put little effort into the map, or that the map isn't going to be well thought out. Anyway, the map looks good but I think that it may just be too much mayhem. I imagine that basically the flag just gets body piled, which often works, but better maps have more ways than 1 to capture a flag, allowing for tactics.
I like that you posted with a remark and comment. What I mean is that just because you have allot of a certain weapon does mean that weapon will dominate like you think for EXP if you have allot of rockets in a map you would think the map would have way to many explosions but if the map was a map that only had two plat forms and they were faraway from each other the rockets might not be as crazy as you thought at first because of how the map was.
I think this is more about just using brute force instead of tactics, the same concept behind conquest. Anyway I dled the map and I liked it. The only thing that could be improved is maby replace the flamethrower with a lazer (just seemed to fit to me). Also there isn't enough cover and I would reduce the spawn times for the deployable covers. I know you can't add anymore cover because you hit the item limit (or budget I can't remember), but that would help. And just something that bugs me, moving the lights onto the walls above the map is alot esier on the eyes, they are kinda close to the ground.