Need your map sketched up?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Pixie Dust, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. Pixie Dust

    Pixie Dust Ancient
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  2. Project

    Project Ancient
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    limmey if your still working on my sketchup could you get it done soon. I asked about a week ago and still havent got it. I havent even got a message from you telling me how its doing so far. So could I atleast know when it will be done?
  3. Pixie Dust

    Pixie Dust Ancient
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  4. Limeyy

    Limeyy King of the Fruits
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    Well, since my xbox won't recognize my hard drive and I lost all my computer data and designs in progress two days ago, here is one i managed to finish up today.
    Currently untitled, message if you want it
  5. Pixie Dust

    Pixie Dust Ancient
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    i want it dude! i hate forging but im up to this one real tlk

    btw im working on a website and i was wondering if you wanted to help. im making it cuz infractions piss me off. =P
    #65 Pixie Dust, May 12, 2009
    Last edited: May 12, 2009
  6. Project

    Project Ancient
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    ill take it, since i haven't been able to get a sketchup from you guys yet could i have this, its really cool.
  7. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    If someone sketchs me up something good, I'll bring it to life. That last sketchup is to small, that's 1v1 or 2v2 tops.
  8. Project

    Project Ancient
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    see i like the small forging maps. All i want to know is if i can have it. I think i should since ive been asking for a sketchup and haven't got it, so could i just take this one?
  9. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    I agree with this statement. I tryed downloading sketch up but i am such a total fail at it. the guy above seems to have some talent. If anyone else can do things like that i would be happy to make it. I really like the look of sketchup but i just can't use it.
  10. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    Ok so I have started a infection sketchup but since it is my first sketchup to be show I was wondering if anyone would want me to finish it. I Have the whole floor plan and tunnels that lead to 3 buildings and 1 building that is finished(not one of the tunnel buildings). It is ment for a 4-8 person zombie map due to its size. The floor is very elaborate so you need to be a fairly decent map maker to create it and you need to do the over load trick to geomerge some scaffolds(you don't have to I just think it would be a pretty epic aesthetic to add into it). The tunnels are a tube piece on top of a huge block that is laying sideways which means all of the tunnels you must crouch to get into(I have already tested it so don't worry). It is going to be theme based on satelite towers, 2 regular satelite towers, 1 broken down satelite tower, and 1 large satelite tower. Each satelite tower and the broken down satelite tower are going to have 3 entrances into it.

    So now onto the sketchup, the blue lines are where walls will be and the red lines are the tunnels are, enjoy.

    This is what the tunnel looks like looking into it.

    This is the geomerged scaffolds that look like shelves.(pretty epic I know)

    Here is an overview of the map that has been made so far.

    Remember this map IS NOT FINISHED YET. This is just the beginning of the map and I will show the finish part later. I didn't want to do it unless anyone would possibly want to create it and take the time to make it. I would estimate it to be about a 10-15 hour project in total of working hours, maybe less maybe more depending on your working speed and such. If you have any questions please ask. Thanks-Kilamanjara14
    #70 kilamanjara14izback, May 15, 2009
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
  11. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    We need to get some more people in here that are really creative AND really good at sketchup. This thread could evolve tremendously if we had some really good sketchers. I personnally fail at it but Limey is god and this guy^^^^^^^^ seems not bad either.
  12. Project

    Project Ancient
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    hey pixie dust tell you friend and you that i said thanks for the teardrop help.
  13. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    Hey, first full map submission I got here :).Name it whatever you want, on the front page u can just call it kila's map or (Insert name here) or something like that. So on to the sketchup...


    Overview w/ the territory's(sorry its not very clean well actually not really because if I was truly sorry I would fix it :p)

    Looking into the center piece

    Over view of centerpiece w/o roof

    Hope you guys like it, If you do decide to use it please mention it to me or on this thread, hope yall like it.(Incase you guys didnt figure out, I didn't do the walls which there are supposed to be walls.

    EDIT: sorry guys i forgot to state this is conquest :/

    #73 kilamanjara14izback, May 21, 2009
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  14. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    I've taken that map above. (what a map!)
  15. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    Alright cool, I will try to sketchup another by next week. Might be hard w/ my state cup soccer tournament this weekend but I will try my best.
  16. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    Alright kool. It looks like you know what you are doing. i will keep an eye on this thread. keep me updated.
  17. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    I have experience with Sketchup and am willing to make sketches based off of design input (I.E. your sketches, drawing, whatever, etc.).
  18. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hehe could you sketch up mine? I have one drawing but I could give you more detailed drawings. (It's that Crypt map I might've showed you.)
  19. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    THe one you shouwed me? it was pretty good looking as a start. I think you should sketch it cerb!

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